Page 63 of Winning Play

"IwantSpence.Ifhe comes,Ineed to see him."

Ceceliasmiled and straightened the blankets. “Tryto rest.”


Spencestood with the security officer outside the unit and concentrated on calming his emotions.Seeingthe panic inKim’sexpression gutted him.ShethoughtIwasHendricks?Whatthe hell did he do to put that kind of fear in her head?

HesawTomChadwickwalking toward the unit, a question crossing his expression when he saw the security officer. “Spence, what’s going on?Isthere a problem, officer?”

“Thepatient demanded that he leave the room… she was frightened, said he wasFinnsomething, but hisIDsays he’s…”

“ChathamSpencer,”Tomfinished. “Yes,Ican vouch for him.He’shere at the request of the patient’s brother.IknowSpence—IsuspectKim’sconfused due to the concussion.”

“I’lltake your word for it, doc.”Theofficer looked directly atSpence. “Ifthere are any further problems, we will call the police.”


“Comewith me.”Tomput his hand onSpence’sshoulder, then looked at the officer. “Thanksfor your help.I’msure everything will be fine now.”Hewaited until the officer was out of sight. “Whatdo you know about thisFinn?”

“Ex-boyfriend.Shebroke up with him before she leftVancouver, but he still contacts her—without her consent.Sentflowers… showed up on campus one night.”


Spenceshrugged. “Ifyou ask me.Kimsays she’s not afraid of him—she’s angry because he won’t stop contacting her.”

“That’swhat caused her to look away as the ball approached?”

Spenceshrugged. “Somenoise from the stands distracted her.Butshe told me she thought she heard his voice during the first two games.”

Tomnodded. “AssumeDaveknows all this?”

“Yep.”Spenceconsciously unclenched his hands. “Wethought he’d returned toVancouver.”

“Okay,I’llcheck onKim.Thenwe’ll get you in to see her.”Tomreached to push the curtain aside.

“Hey, if it upsets her,Ican stay out here,”Spencesaid. “Ijust want her to rest and feel safe.”

Kimflinched as the curtain moved, andCeceliasmiled reassuringly. “Dr.Chadwick’shere,Kimberly.”

Kimreleased a shaky breath.Herchest loosened when she recognizedCassie’shusband.IknowTom.Kimturned her head and blinked her eyes to focus.Tomstudied the iPad inCecelia’shands before speaking, and his voice was gentle when he asked, “Kim, how are you feeling?”

“Besidesfreaking out because someoneIdon’t want to see was standing right where you are?”Shetried to explain what she saw and heard when she woke up—a man with familiar features who morphed intoFinn'sface.

Tomstepped closer, concern radiating from him. “Whodid you think was here?”

“TheguyIused to date inVancouver,”Kimsaid softly.Shegripped the blanket. “WasIdreaming?Feelslike my mind’s seeing things.”

Tomnodded slowly. “Confusion’snormal,Kim.Youhave a concussion, and the pain medications might contribute to the uncertainty.It'snot surprising that your brain makes mistakes.Justtry to rest, and it should pass soon.Didyou feel threatened by that guy?”

“Annoyed, maybe.Angrywhen he wouldn’t leave and touched my hand.IthinkIoverreacted.”

Tom’ssmile warmed her as he shook his head. “Notat all,Kim.Ifsomeone you didn’t want to see refused to leave, that was a normal reaction.”

“I’mnot hallucinating?”

“Iwouldn’t call what you experienced hallucinating.Mistakenidentity.”Hepicked upKim’schart and nodded at the monitor. “Yourpulse and blood pressure are improving by the minute,Kim.I’llorder something to help you relax and calm your imagination.”Hepaused. “Wouldyou like someone to stay with you?Ican callCassie.”

“Thanks…ButI’dlike to seeSpence…my boyfriend.Davesaid he’d call him.”