Page 105 of Winning Play

"Don’tyou have anything scheduled this afternoon?" she asked, suppressing a mischievous giggle. "We'vehad quite a lengthy lunch,"

"I'mgood," he replied with a casual shrug. "Justneed to throw my stuff together for the trip toTallahassee.Weleave before dawn for tomorrow's late afternoon game."

Apause settled between them before he continued. “Nobig deal—Ikeep two travel bags packed with the same things.WhenIget back,Ionly need to wash and repack the clothes.I’vealways got the backup bag ifIdon’t have time… or getdistracted.”Heshrugged with a smile. “Asifthatwould ever happen.”

“Oh, no!Never!”Kimteased. “AndhereDavesaysI’muber-organized!”

Spencewinked back with that crooked smile. “Maybeyou rubbed off on me...Youhave time for a walk?”

“Sure, no plans for me right now."

Aknowing grin spread across his face. “Twoweeks ahead in your studies—right?”

“Notquite...Istill have some catching up and term projects that need attention.

“Youlined up a summer internship yet?”

Standing,Kimbegan clearing their table of empty wrappers and drinks. “Notyet, though my advisor sent me a list.Ihaven’t had time to look at it, much less apply.”

Spencereached for the tray. “Letme do that,Popcorn.Youwanna take that wrap for dinner?”

Witha nod,Kimgrabbed her bag from the bench. “Thanks—meet you out front?

Shesaw him raise an eyebrow. “Giveme two seconds, please.”Wasthat irritation tinging his voice?Don'tread too much into it—he's got a lot going on.

Shesmiled when he returned a few moments later and reached for her bag. “Thanks,Spence.”


Spencewaited by the entrance to her dorm whileKimdropped off the bag and stashed the sandwich in her fridge.Anxiousto rejoin him,Kimskipped down the stairs and pushed the door open, happiness bubbling within her.Spencetook her hand and intertwined their fingers.

Theywalked toward theRiverwalkarea, a comfortable silence between them.Kimfelt…settled?Athome?She’dmissed this more than she’d admitted.Thebright blue water vistas dotted with white sailboats filled her with joy.

“Sobeautiful,” she breathed. “IloveTampa.”


“Atthe moment, yes.Vancouverand the islands are gorgeous, but gray, rainy, cool days come too frequently for me.”

“Weget our share,”Spencesaid, “but storms don’t linger long—unless a tropical depression hovers in the area.”Henodded toward a bench in a riverside park. “Enjoythe view for a while?”

Kimnodded and pulled her phone from her pocket. “Ikeep thinking about taking pictures of this view.”Shetouched his arm. “Couldyou stand there soIcan get you in the photo?”

Spenceshook his head, then grinned. “Betteridea.Let’stake a selfie.”Hetook her phone and led her to the spot she’d requested.Theyturned their backs to the water, andSpencedrewKimagainst his side. “Saycheese,Popcorn.”

Theyboth laughed while he snapped several photos, then gaveKimthe phone so she could check the pictures.Sheled him to a bench before opening the photo app. “Whatdo you think?”Kimleaned against him as she flipped through the pictures.

“Gorgeous,Kim.AirDropthem to me?”

“Ofcourse.”Sheselected the photos, andSpenceopened his phone to accept them.

“Thanks, babe.”

Thephone buzzed before he could return the phone to his pocket.CoachRamirez’sname flashed on the screen. “Ineed to take this,”Spencesaid as he stood. “Coach, what's up?”

Kimwatched as he took a few steps, listening to his coach.Shecouldn’t read his expression when he turned and walked in another direction.Hemet her gaze and shook his head before resuming his pacing.Shesurmised from his responses that the coach askedSpenceto meet him at theAD’soffice in theAthleticCenter.Spenceasked for details, butCoachRamirezended the call.

Kimstood and walked to his side.