Page 11 of Winning Play

“Yes, of course.Ihave a lot to organize,”Kimsaid after a brief hesitation, “butI’llbe around, and a tour’s more important.Thankyou for all your help…Chatham.”Shebit back a smile when he shot her a look.

Sheseems surprised by my offer.Surely, she knowsI’mattracted to her?Spencepaused a second. “Mypleasure.Seeyou later…Popcorn.”

Theafternoon passed asKimunpacked and organized the apartment.Shemade a mental note to sendLaurenflowers—or maybe a new bird feeder—to thank her for providing the bedroom and bath linens.Suchsilky sheets andLaurenincluded a mattress topper.Davemust have mentioned my aversion to old mattresses.Ugh… just creepy.

Sheheard a knock on the door before opening the mattress topper.Davestood there, an affectionate smile greeting her.

“Wantedto make sure you were here.Andrew’shelping to deliver some things for your new apartment.”Helooked around, then nodded. “I’llbe right back.Justkeep the door open.”

“Whatdo you have?”

Heshook his head as he tousled her hair. “Patience,Kimmy.”

Sheshrugged his hand away. “Doyou need help?”

“Nope.Justshove those boxes against one wall.”

Whatdid he do now?Notelling.Kimmoved the remaining boxes to the room's far end, clearing a path for whatever surprise her brother brought into the apartment.


Spencetossed his towel in the laundry basket near the players’ lockers.Heglanced atEricMarsden, who sat motionless on the bench, face buried in his hands. “Okay, man?”

“Brutal.Imay have heat stroke.”Ericshook his head. “Coachtrying to kill us?”

Spencegrabbed a sports drink and handed it to him. “Hemight if we don’t start playing better.Theseason opens in six weeks.”Hesmothered a smile whenEricglanced at him before taking a long drink from the bottle.

“Ishouldn’t have visited my parents for the holidays.Belowfreezing inMinnesota, now record highs inTampa,” he said.

“Movingthe practices to the early morning will help heat-wise,”Spenceoffered.

“Evengetting started before dawn?”ToddAndersonjoined the conversation.

“Oneperk of lights on the field,”Spencesaid. “I’djust as soon practice before class, anyway.”

“ListentoSpence,”Toddsaid. “Hejust enjoys having more time to hang with his fans.”

“Notwith my schedule this semester.I’llneed the extra hours to keep up, and that’s if the course outlines align with previous terms.Studyingbefore dawn?Non-starter.I’drather run sprints.”

Thethree left the complex together, butSpencedeclined an invitation to go to an off-campus restaurant. “Ihave a campus tour to conduct.”

“Yousigned up for that program?”Todd’seyebrows rose in surprise.

“Justtoday, a one-time deal.”

“Youknow where we’ll be if your tour’s quick,”Toddsaid.

Spencepulled the baseball cap forward to block the sun.Theheat didn’t bother him.Heck, he’d played in hotter weather in high school.Summerleagues inSavannahdelivered long afternoons in stifling heat.Wonderwhat my new friend fromVancouverthinks of this heat?

Ashe headed towardKim’sresidence hall,Spencehoped she’d still want the campus tour.Shemay have visited the campus previously, but he could show her a few shortcuts.Studentsarriving on campus would disrupt the quiet, uncrowded week he’d enjoyed afterNewYear’s.Hewould have arrived shortly before classes started if he hadn't wanted to work out in the batting cage over the break.GladIreturned early.Goingto theSunsgame, meetingKimin that popcorn shower, and then today’s unexpected opportunity to assist with her move in.

Spencechatted with a few friends, then stopped at a food court to buy aCoke.Ashe neared the residence hall, he remembered he didn’t have the entry key code forKim’sdorm.Theyhad deactivated the system for the move-in day until all residents picked up their scan cards; maybe it hadn’t been reset yet.Hopefully, this cross-campus sprint isn’t just more exercise.

Spenceknew he had good luck when he saw someone trying to wrestle a mattress through the dorm’s entrance.

“Needa hand?” he called out, jogging toward the building.

“Thanks.Ifyou hold the door,Ican get this thing inside.”