Page 9 of Winning Play

Kimpushed back her chair whenDavestarted toward the bar. “I’llhelp you.”

Daveleaned against the bar after he gave the drink order. “Didyou like sitting in the suite?”

“Sure.What’snot to like?” she asked. “Withthe buffet spread, friendly greetings, and the supervised play area for kids, the team goes first class for the families.”Shelooked up at him. “ThoughImissed the sound of skates, pucks hitting sticks, and bodies bouncing against the boards.Idid hear the puck ring the post twice.”

“Wehave tickets close to the ice if you want to sit there.Wegot them becauseMomandDadprefer to sit in the stands when they visit,”Davesaid. “Daddoesn’t feel comfortable yelling at the refs when he’s in the box.”

“Yeah, he can get pretty loud.”Kimgiggled. “Ifno one’s using them,I’dlove to sit there for at least part of each game.”Kimreached to grab a tray of cups asDavepicked up two pitchers of beer.

“Ofcourse.Watchyour step.Youalready look like you lost a fight with a popcorn machine.Let’snot add smelling like a brewery.”


SinceDave’spractice coincided withKim’sassigned move-in time,Laurendrove her to campus.Kimreread the instructions to the unloading zone. “So, we have ten minutes to unload.”

Laurenscanned the area and nodded toward a group of young men waiting in front of the residence hall. “Lookslike they recruited the football team to help.”

“Well,Iwon’t turn them down.”Kimunfastened her seatbelt and leaned to hug her sister-in-law.Suddenanxiety caused her stomach to clench, but she took a deep breath and forced a smile. “I’vegot this,Lauren.Justpop the lock on the trunk.Don’tget caught up in all this campus traffic.”

“Yousure you don’t want help to unpack?”

“I’mgood.Howoften do you find a group of guys willing to help?CanIcall you ifIneed somethingIcan’t get at the campus store?”

“Youknow you can,”Laurensaid with a chuckle.Iexpect your brother will stop by after practice.Gethim to buy you lunch.”Shesqueezed her hand and looked intoKim’seyes.Enjoy—you’re starting an exciting new journey!”

Herlaugh betrayed sudden nervousness. “That’smy plan… just a little anxious.Newplaces.Newfaces.I’llget over it.”Kimstepped from the car and walked to open the trunk.Immediately, a group of guys approached the car.

“Hey, that’s our job.”

Kim’sbreath caught when she looked up to see a familiar face and watched as a surprised grin replaced a polite smile. “Popcorn!”

“Yep, the one and only.”Brilliant,Martin.Kimforced a sheepish grin.That’sthe best you can manage?

“Kim, isn’t it?”Spence’ssurprised expression and welcoming chuckle quelled the anxiety crowding her mind.

Shenodded. “Yes…Spence?Thanksagain for saving me from tasting concrete at the arena.”Hiscobalt eyes mesmerized her.Shetook a moment to gaze at the taut muscles stretching theFCUbaseball shirt across his shoulders.Evenmore spectacular thanIremember.HowdidInot appreciate that body?Hypnotizedby the devilish blue eyes?Kimforced her vision back to his face, and his raised eyebrows confirmed he’d caught her gawking.

“I’mgladIcould break your fall.Let’ssee your move-in sheet.”Spencewaved to a couple of guys. “Helpunload this before we get written up.”Hegrabbed a box from the trunk, set it on the sidewalk, and pulled a luggage cart beside the car.

Whilethey emptied the trunk,Kimslipped along the side of the car and leaned through the open window to thankLaurenagain.

“Youwon the lottery, girl.Allthose scrumptious guys,”Laurenwhispered. “Makethe most of it.”

“Sure.”Kim’slaugh was slightly sarcastic, still embarrassed by her open appreciation ofSpence’ssolid chest and arms. “I’mnot in that league,Lauren.Thanksagain—I’llcall you.”

Spenceclosed the trunk and flashed a megawatt grin when she returned to the sidewalk. “Leadon.We’llfollow.”

“Isthis whereIconfessIdon’t know where to go?”

Kim’spink cheeks added to her allure.MaybeIdid catch her staring?Checkingme out?Spencewinked before he consulted the information sheet.Hesuppressed a grin and pointed to the room number. “Comeon, we’ll find your apartment,KimberlyMartin.You’reon the fourth floor.”Spenceturned to the other guys who’d helped stack the boxes on the cart. “Igot this—grab the next couple of arrivals.I’llbe right back.”

Theysqueezed into an elevator with the luggage cart, andKimleaned against the side wall.Spencepressed the button for the fourth floor and caughtKim’seye when he glanced at her.Lotsof questions—best start with basics.

“Newstudent, correct?Readyto start the semester?”

“Obviously.”Asmile accompanied her response. “I’mbeginning my master’s program—just finished my undergrad at theUniversityinVancouver.”

“Canada?Howdid you end up inTampa, or why did you pickVancouverfor college?”