Page 88 of Winning Play

“Ofcourse.”Laurenbit back a grin.

Duringthe first intermission,KimtextedSpencea selfieLaurenhad taken of them in the first row of seats.

“Wishyou were here.”

Shedidn’t expect a reply but hoped he might laugh at the goofy faces they mugged for the camera.Shewanted to say more but refrained.Hedoesn’t need my distractions—probably at the team dinner now.Sheturned toLauren.

“CanIbring you guys anything?I’mgoing to graze the buffet.”

“Nope, as you saw,Istuffed myself.Butlet me know ifCarynneeds help with the twins.”

Kimnodded and sprinted up the stairs to the enclosed portion of the suite.Sheimmediately spottedCarynwithDannyandJenna.Kayleighgiggled with the twins while her mother,Shannon, chatted withCaryn.Awoman stood near them, watching other children in the area.Babysitter?Greatidea so the moms can watch the game.Probablythe dream job.

Kimpicked up a plate and wandered the buffet, looking for something light.Shefelt full from the breakfast she’d shared withSpence.Wasthat this morning?Feelslike days…Sheselected a veggie wrap, fresh fruit, and a lemonade, then returned to her seat.

“Everythingseems under control in the kids’ area,” she toldLauren. “Isthere a babysitter up there?”

“Yes, the wives’ club members chip in to hire someone to entertain the kids.Acouple of women take turns—teachers atCassie’spreschool.”

Kim’scell phone pinged, andLaurenheld her drink whileKimpulled it out of her bag.Spence.Sheswiped it open and smiled at the string of emoji hearts stretched across the screen.

“Missyou more.”

Sheslipped the phone back into her bag and took her drink.

“Spence?”Laurenguessed. “Toobad he couldn’t come today.”

Kimnodded as she took a bite of her wrap, then replied after swallowing the food. “We’dplanned that, but… some team issues they need to handle.”

“Thesocial media uproar?”Laurenkept her voice low.

“Didyou see anything?”

“Wemet with theADandSportsInformationDepartmentthis afternoon—assisted in remedialPR, and we’ll organize a template to use moving forward.Topsecret.”

“Ofcourse.”Kimset her plate aside, her appetite suddenly gone. “Iknow the gist of what happened and that the team’s on lockdown until tomorrow.Somethingon social media?”

“We’rehelping them get in front of the issue.It’snot just the baseball team that’s involved.Basketball, soccer…”

Kimshook her head. “Spencesays he should have stayed with the guys after the post-game celebration.”

“Offthe record, it’s unlikely he could have prevented this—looks like a coordinated after-hours event.”Laurensqueezed her hand. “Ihope that’s communicated to those not involved.”

“Iwon’t say anything,Lauren.Iknow client-confidentiality issues.Ihope you andCaryncan work your magic.”

“Wecan’t erase it, but we’re hopeful we can help the school respond appropriately.”Laurensmiled. “Staypatient withSpence.”

Afterthe team dinner, the captains and alternate captains of the teams involved in the off-campus activities met with theAD, theDirectorofSportsInformation, and the team coaches.ToddandEricarrived withSpenceand walked towardCoachRamirezafter scanning the room.Heindicated seats beside him andCoachDavison one side of the tables configured in an open rectangle.

“Dinnersatisfactory?”Asmile accompanied the question.

“Nocomplaints,”Spenceanswered with a slight grin. “Steak, shrimp, fresh bread, and veggies?Can’tgo wrong, andIdoubt there are any leftovers.Theguys on the team hope this menu’s permanent.”

Davislaughed as he pulled out a chair and sat on the other side ofRamirez. “Maybewhen we win theNationalChampionship.”

“Youthink that’s a possibility now?”Toddasked in a low voice.

“Wethink probable,Anderson.Youguys can do it.”