Page 86 of Winning Play

Ricktook a deep breath before starting to speak. “You’reright.Anyway,Iwanted to say thanks, man.”

Spenceraised an eyebrow in confusion. “Thanksfor what?”

Rickmet his eyes. "Noone knew what to think this morning whenCarlson,Castille, andWestgatehadn't returned last night.Wecouldn't find you—we heard rumors..."

"Whatdid you hear?"

Carsonshrugged. “Doesn'tmatter.Weknow the truth now...Listen, no one blames you for the guys getting suspended.Wemay not have come across that way at the team meeting, but we talked after you left.Weknow you did what you had to; no matter what happens, those guys got the medical care they needed last night.”

Spencenodded slowly. “Thanks, man.Thatmeans a lot.”

Hetried to concentrate on his assignments, butSpence’sthoughts fixated on the preceding twelve-or-so hours—since he’d received the middle-of-the-night call fromTodd.Heglanced at the assignment calendarKimhad helped him construct and felt a twinge of guilt for sharing his remorse withKim.Don’twant her to thinkIregret last night.Never—but we could have stayed at the party instead of leaving withDave.

Hisphone buzzed.Hesnatched it and sawCoachRamirez'sname flash across the screen.Heinhaled deeply, bracing for whatever news he was about to hear.

"Spencer,”Ramirezsaid without greeting, "Westgate,Castille, andCarlsonhave been suspended indefinitely.Theywill complete mandatory counseling and community service and continue their studies remotely.Theywill be housed off campus until further notice.Theywill have no contact with students.TheADwill release a statement to the media—in the meantime, we’re trying to contain the story."

Thewords felt like lead inSpence'sstomach.Hekept his eyes closed asCoachexplained the protocols put in place.

“Doyou want me to get the team together?”

“TheADhas a meeting with thePRdepartment.Afterthat, he’ll text everyone to gather in our meeting room—in an hour or so.Ifyou have time, knock on doors to be sure everyone keeps an eye out for that text.We’llprovide dinner and breakfast—not optional.Wewant to keep you all out of the line of fire until we get ahead of the story.”

“Anyleaks so far?”

“Notleaks, but the police were aware of the situation.Morethan one team was involved, and some participants were detained at the station.Weknow reporters took photos at the station… not a good look for the university.”Ramirezpaused. “Thanksfor taking the lead last night,Spencer.Theteam’s lucky to have you as captain.”

“Ileft the party early.Icould have…”

“Notyour fault,”Ramirezcut him off. “I’llsee you soon.”Heended the call, andSpenceglanced at his watch and groaned.He’dforgotten about theSuns’ late afternoon hockey game.Heneeded to cancel withKim, though she probably already guessed that.Couldthis day get any worse?

"Spence—anything new?"Kimanswered his call, the apprehension weighing in her voice.

“Hey, babe,” he said. “Nothinggood to report.Everything…”Heshook his head even though she couldn’t see him. “It’sa shitstorm,Kim.We'reon lockdown—another team meeting in an hour, plus mandatory team dinner and breakfast,” he added. “Ihate this,Kim.Ican’t go to the game with you—I’msorry.”

“Don’t.Ididn’t expect you to.Thissituation’s out of your control.”

“Yeah, unfortunately…Kim,Iwon’t see you until after breakfast tomorrow.Isuck as a boyfriend."

“ChathamSpencer!”Hersudden outburst startled him into silence. “Stop!Iexpected you'd have to miss the game.Don'tbeat yourself up for something that’s not your fault."

“Willyou go withLauren?” he asked.

“I'mconsidering it,” she said, and he heard the rustle of paper in the background. "I'vecompleted most of my missed assignments, so eitherI'llcallLaurenfor a ride or crash and binge some mind-numbing series."

Hechuckled at her quirky sense of humor. “Yourchance to watch all thoseHallmarkmovies you love.”Spencetried to lighten the mood with a joke.Herlaughter echoed over the line, and some of his frustration melted.

“Umm, not sure about that…I’mchecking out the new movies first.”

“Letme know if you do go to the game,” he said, pausing a beat before adding, "FYI, some were detained at the police station.Coachsaid there are photos.”

Kimsighed. “Ihope not.Iwon’t offer any information.”

“Iknow you won’t,Popcorn.”Spenceran his free hand through his hair. "Thiswhole thing stinks,” he muttered before adding, "Iplanned to spend the day with you."

Kim'svoice was soft when she responded. “Metoo, but you have responsibilities and no choice in this."Shepaused briefly before adding in a mischievous tone, "However,Iknow you'll make it up to me later."

SomeofSpence’stension dissolved. “Babe, you can count on that."