Page 82 of Winning Play

Hetook a deep breath. “Thatdepends… any fights or property damage?”

Isaacsraised an eyebrow. “Idon’t know what happened before we found them trying to slip through the hedges behind the athletic center.Afew bushes got trampled, but that’s the extent.”

“Anysign of alcohol poisoning?”Toddasked.

“IfIsend them downtown, they’ll be medically checked.”


Isaacsshrugged. “Can’tpredict.IfIrelease them to you,I’drecommend taking them to theER—just in case.”

Spenceglanced at his teammates. “I’llcallCoachRamirezand ask him if he wants to meet us there.”

“Yousure,County?”Toddasked softly. “Zerotolerance.”

“Youdon’t think he’ll find out if we take them to the hospital?”Spencedidn’t hide his irritation. “Didyou drive over here?”Whenboth nodded, he pulled his phone from his pocket and metIsaac’seyes. “Thanks—let me talk with our coach.ToddandEriccan take the three off your hands.”

Spencestepped outside and pressed three fingers to his temple to ease an impending headache.

“Talkto me,Spencer,”Ramirezbarked.

Afterquickly summarizing the situation,Spencementioned taking the three players to theER.

“Wereyou with them while they were drinking?”

“No, there was a celebration, but only soft drinks while we were there.Thebartender knows who’s underage on the team.Idon’t know what happened after we left untilWestgatecalledTodd.”

“I’llhave someone meet you at theERwith medical releases.Oncethey arrive, you three can leave—you did the right thing,Spencer.We’llnotify the parents.”

Spenceshoved the phone into his pocket and went back inside asOfficerIsaacsbrought the three teammates to the lobby. “We’lltake them to the hospital.Someonefrom the coaching staff will meet us there and take over.”

“Oh, man, you didn’t call the coach?”Carlsongroaned.

Spencescowled at him and spoke toIsaacs. “Thanksagain—sorry for the trouble.”

Isaacsnodded. “That’swhy we’re here.Goodluck with them.”

Spenceand his teammates returned to their dorm suite two hours later.

“YouthinkCoachwill kick them off the team?”Toddslumped onto the sofa in the living area, lost in his thoughts.

Spenceshrugged. “Notelling.Butwe couldn’t take a chance with them.”Jeez, if we lose them for the rest of the season...

Ericstepped forward, arms crossed over his chest. “Aswasted as they were, what if we’d brought them back here, and one or all had alcohol poisoning?It'dbe our asses on the line.”

Toddnodded. “Oncethey called us for help, we had no choice.Nomatter what happens, there's nothing else we can do now.”

Spencenodded with a sigh. “Let'ssleep while we can; it's gonna be a rough day.”Hereached for his phone to textKima brief update.

Teamproblems.Fillyou in later whenIcan think straight.Missyou, babe. xoxo

Hehit send, set the phone on his bedside table, and fell asleep within seconds.


Kimlay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to quell the disappointment thatSpencehad left during the night.Thenote on the table beside her mentioned some issues with the team, and then the text he sent about four in the morning added little context.Finnflashed through her mind, reminding her of the many times she’d awakened to find him gone.Finnnever left a note.Don’tstart comparingSpenceto him.They’renot the same.Spencewouldn’t lie or try to deceive me.

Kimdidn’t have the energy to move.Afterthe most glorious night of her life, she felt hollow, empty, and confused.Justhours ago, we experienced something… magical;Spencemade me feel treasured…HeknowsIneed sleep, butIwish he’d awakened me…Isthis headache pressing against my temples because of my concussion—or disappointment?