Page 72 of Winning Play

“I’llexpect that call.”

WhenKimleft the dorm for class the followingMonday, her heart skipped a beat when she sawSpencewaiting near the building.Heflashed a broad smile when he caught sight of her, met her with a warm kiss, and reached for her book bag.

“Hey, babe, you look great!Youfeeling okay?”

“Sofar, so good.”Kimpointed to her sunglasses. “Aslong asIavoid bright lights.DidItell you whatDr.Tomsaid?”

“Youdid.Avery positive report,Kim.”

“Mymemory’s still a bit sketchy.Don’tlet me repeat myself.”ShesawSpence’slips quirk.

“I’mhappy to hear your voice.”

Shehugged him, leaning her cheek against his chest. “Thanksfor everything you did,Spence.”

“Didwhat any guy would for the girl he’s crazy about.”

Kimfelt a warm flush rise to her cheeks at his words.I’mgoing to miss my fantasy boyfriend when this charade ends.

“Thankyou.”Sheleaned into the hug and enjoyed the sense of peace that filled her.Spencerubbed her shoulders, then tightened his grip for a long moment.

“Missedthis,” he said before he kissed the top of her head. “C’mon,I’llwalk you to class.”Heheld her hand until they entered her classroom, setting her bag on the floor by her seat.

“Textme if you need anything.”Hetouched her cheek. “Anything.Otherwise,I’llsee you in ninety minutes.”

“Ican manage between classes.Don’tworry about me,Spence.”

Hetapped her nose lightly. “Toobad,Popcorn.You’restuck with me.”Witha wink,Spenceturned to leave.Spence’sconcern warmed her inside and reminded her how much she’d missed him.Maybe, just maybe, we can leave the friend zone behind.

Fortunately,Kimonly had two classes that day.Bythe end of her social media law class, her brain felt scrambled, and fatigue enveloped her body.Whenshe foundSpencewaiting in the hallway by the classroom, she sighed in relief.Hetook her bag and hooked his arm around her.

“Hita wall,Kim?”

“Brickwall,” she said. “Towardthe end of class,Irealized my hand had stopped writing, and my brain had tuned out.”

Spenceguided them away from the flow of students rushing for their next class. “I’msorry, babe.Howabout we go to your dorm, andI’llget lunch?”

“Soundswonderful.”Sheunhooked her sunglasses from the top of her shirt and slipped them on when they left the building. “IthoughtI’dhave more energy today.”

“Yougot through two classes—pretty impressive for your first day back.Ibet you’ll rebound after some food and a nap.”Spenceadjusted his gait to matchKim’s.

“Hopeso.It’smore mental fatigue, butI’mgrateful for this assist at the moment...”Sheleaned against him. “…from my wonderful, strong, and completely gorgeous pretend boyfriend.”

SheheardSpencechuckle. “Gladto be of service.”Heunhooked the scan card fromKim’sbag and swiped the dorm’s entry door.Kimdidn’t protest when he chose the elevator.

Oncethey reached the apartment,Spenceled her to the couch. “Water?Coke?”

“Water’sgreat, butIcan get it.”

“Iknow that, but let me.Doyou know what you want for lunch?”

“Surpriseme.”Kimreached to hug him when he brought the water bottle. “Ican’t thank you enough,Spence,” she whispered.

“Notnecessary.”Hekissed her gently. “Backin a flash.”

Spenceordered various foods he knewKimenjoyed, then stopped by the table to greetEricandTodd.

“How’sour favorite scorekeeper and volleyball star?”Toddwaved forSpenceto join them.