Page 71 of Winning Play

“Heraised his hand.Ididn’t want to risk…”

Daverubbed his face. “Jeez,Kimmy.”Heshook his head. “Wasthat the only time you felt threatened?”

“Yes.”Kimlooked at her hands.Dave’sfurious.Ishould have kept my mouth shut.Spenceput his arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

“Goodfor you,Kim,”Lauren’svoice interrupted the silence. “Beproud you defended yourself.Youdid what you needed to.Yourbrother’s proud, too.Hedoesn’t realize it—yet.”

Kimglanced atDaveand sawLaurenperched on the chair beside him.Theireyes locked in a silent conversation.Finally,Daveshrugged and looked at her.

“Iamproud of you,Kimmy.Ididn’t mean to jump on you like that.Pleasesay something if there’s ever a next time.”

“Ididn’t mean to blurt it out like that,”Kimsaid. “That’sthe only time—Ididn’t hesitate.ThenIgot out of there while he lay whimpering on the floor.”

Laurencaught her eyes and flashed a thumbs up. “Hopeyou never need to use that again.”

“Didyou mention this toMomorDad?”Herbrother’s eyes held hers.

“Well, no…Ididn’t want to cause drama.Iwas leavingVancouveranyway.”

KimsawDaveglance atSpencebefore he replied. “WhenIcalled them about the concussion,Itold them aboutHendricksshowing up on campus, sending flowers, etc.”Heheld up his hand whenKimopened her mouth to speak. “Ineeded them to know whatJakeandIare doing and why, honey.”

Kimshut her eyes as she shook her head. “Ididn’t want to disappoint them,Dave.Imade so many bad decisions in that relationship…Iwas too ashamed and just wanted to leaveVancouver.Arethey angry with me?”

“No, of course not,Kimmy.Ifanything, they regret that you didn’t feel you could talk with them aboutHendricks.Youshould call them—as soon as you’re feeling better,” he suggested. “Clearthe air.Momsaid she’ll wait for you to call.Dad, too.”

Kimnodded. “I’llcall, promise.”

“Oh,Imay have mentionedSpence, so be prepared for questions.”Daveflashed a mischievous smile.

Kimglanced atSpence, feeling her face growing warm. “Sorry,” she mouthed.

Helaughed and hugged her. “I’mnot,Kim.Ilook forward to meeting them someday.”


Afterwhat felt like an eternity,Kimreceived the okay to return to campus during her follow-up appointment withDr.Chadwick.Heencouraged her to resume school activities with restrictions—avoid crowds, flashing lights, over-exertion, and alcohol.

Kim’sface fell. “So, no hockey games?”

Tomsmiled and then replied, his voice sympathetic. “I’mnot saying don’t go, but you may find the environment over-stimulating.Ifyou can avoid the pregame intros, wear noise-canceling headphones, and sit in the enclosed section of the suite, you may tolerate it well,Kim.”

Kimrolled her eyes. “Mightas well watch it onTV.”

“Iknow it’s not ideal, but it’s better than risking a setback.”

“Howlong do you thinkIneed to deal with this?”

“Ican’t give you a specific time frame.Maybea week or two?Theheadaches and brain fog will get better over time, and you’ll notice that your tolerance for bright lights and sounds will improve.”Tompaused a moment. “Listento your body,Kim.Ifyou want to go to a game, try it.Stayattuned to your body and have a backup plan if you need to leave.”

Kimnodded. “Iunderstand…Itruly dislike sitting around in darkened rooms.”

“BestadviceIcan give?Takeeach day as it comes.Trygoing to a class—if you tolerate it well, try a second class.Ipromise you’ll feel better each day if you listen to your body and don’t push beyond your comfort level.”

“Thanks,Dr.Tom,”Kimsaid with a smile. “Idon’t mean to whine.Iget frustrated.”

Tomlaughed. “Kim, you have every right to feel frustrated.Getback on campus and see how you feel.Callme with any concerns or if you need further documentation for your professors.”

“Soundsgood.IfDavegets all over-protective big brother, canItell him to call you?” she asked.