Page 69 of Winning Play

Kimcovered her face. “Youdidn’t tellSpence, did you?Mywonderful over-the-top older brothers checking out my boyfriend.”

“Jake’sa good judge of talent.Justcurious.”

“Doyou thinkSpencehas a chance in the draft?”

“Definitely,”Davereplied. “Oneof the top prospects.”

Kimleaned back against the pillows as she popped grapes into her mouth. “Hethinks that not entering last year weakened his chances.”

“Doubtthat seriously.He’sgot the drive, the talent, and the work ethic.”

Kimfelt a pang of sadness.Spence’sdream of playing in the majors… he gets closer to that goal daily.Hecould go anywhere, and our time together expires, even if our relationship’s pretend.Begrateful for this time together.

SpencereadKim’scongratulatory text on the bus ride back toTampa.Heresponded but didn’t expect her to read it immediately.

Gladthe livestream worked.Hopeyou saw the three-run homer.That’sfor you,Popcorn.

Whenhe’d called earlier,Davehad explained thatKimcontinued to suffer from headaches and fatigue.I’llsee her tomorrow.Wehave a day off from practice, soIcan spend the afternoon with her if she feels up to it… and wants to see me.

Spenceset his iPad aside and leaned back in his seat, staring out the window at the passing scenery.Isshe still worried about her ex?HasDaveheard anything from the private investigators?

Whenthe bus parked at the athletic center,Spencegathered his things and joined his teammates for a quick meeting withCoachRamirez.Studentswaited in the quadrangle to congratulate the team, andSpencechuckled whenBarbran up toToddand threw her arms around him.JeaninefoundEricnext, and rather than stick around,Spencereturned to his room.

Thecampus felt empty withoutKim’spresence, andSpencehated that she’d missed the celebratory atmosphere after the volleyball tournament.Thebaseball team’s win will prompt another celebration, but she’ll also miss that.

Hegrabbed his phone and sentKima quick text.

Popcorn, back on campus.CanIbring you anything tomorrow?Nopractice.

Spencethen settled down on his couch, turning on theTVto catch up on the latest sports news, thoughts ofKimlingering in his mind.WhatcanIdo to help her feel better?ShouldIbring her some of her favorite foods from the student center—those sweet potato pancakes?Veggiewraps?Spencemade a mental note to stop by the campus store and see if they had anything to lift her spirits.Maybea new notebook?

Hisphone pinged, andSpencesat up to readKim’stext.

Gladyou’re home.Congrats.Soproud.Seeyou tomorrow.Missyou.

Agrin spread across his face as he tapped a reply.

Thanks, babe.CallwhenI’mon my way.Missyou, too.

Beforedriving toKim’shouse the next afternoon,Spencestopped by the student center and picked up the family-sized batch ofKim’sfavorite sweet potato pancakes he’d special ordered.Hopethis puts a smile on her beautiful face.Thearoma caused his stomach to growl, and though he pushed the speed limit,Spencethought the drive seemed longer than usual.

Theguard had his name at the gatehouse and handed him a pass to place on his dashboard.Finally, he pulled intoDaveandLauren’sdriveway and knocked on their door.Daveanswered with a smile, welcomingSpenceinside.

“Kim’sin the living room,”Davesaid asSpencefollowed him. “Shehas a little more energy today.”Henodded at the containersSpenceheld. “Somethingsmells good.”

“Hopeshe’s hungry.”

Kimsat on the couch, and her eyes brightened when she sawSpence.

“Yay, you’re here!”Hersmile causedSpence’sheart rate to stutter.

Henoticed the dim lighting, partially closed shutters, and music playing softly in the background.Laurenrose to greet him and invited him to sit, andKimpatted the space beside her.

“Thoughtyou might miss these,” he said, handing her one of the containers.

Kimopened the box and inhaled deeply, eyes closed as she savored the smell.Whenshe looked back atSpence, appreciation shone in her gaze. “Ican’t believe you brought me pancakes.”

“Thoughtyou might have a little withdrawal going on.”