Page 57 of Winning Play

“Ithink… during our lunch break.”Spencenodded toward the tent. “Let’spick up our lunches.”

“Ibrought energy bars.”

Spencehooked his arm around her neck. “Theyset up a special lunch station for all the teams—the same nutritionist and chef who prepare our pre-game meals.”

“So… better than energy bars?”Kimstifled a laugh.

“Promise.”Hepulled her against his side. “Ifyou don’t agree,I’llget you a bucket of popcorn.”Shesaw his blue eyes spark with mischief.

“That’san offerIwon’t turn down.”Kimgrasped his hand as they walked toward the tent.I’menjoying this pretend relationship a bit too much.Becareful, don’t blur the lines.ButSpencemakes it too easy… makes me want to cross the line.Achill ran down her spine, andKimlooked over her shoulder warily.Nothing.You’reparanoid,Martin.Whywould he come back?

“What’sup, babe?”Spenceglanced behind them. “Somethingspooked you?”

Kimshrugged. “It’sstupid.IthoughtIheard someone shout my name during the match?”

Spencechuckled. “Thecrowd chanted your name,Kim.”

Kimshook her head. “Youknow whenIflubbed my serve?That’sthe first timeIheard the voice.”

Spencestopped and turnedKimtoward him, his hands on her shoulders. “Didyou recognize the voice?”

Sheshrugged. “I’mjust paranoid.”

Spencescanned the quadrangle. “Youthinkhe’shere?”

“I’mimagining things,”Kimmet his eyes. “Pre-match jitters, too much sun?Iknow he’s back inVancouver.”Shehated that her voice betrayed her nervousness.

“Rememberthat pathetic card he sent had aVancouverpostmark,Kim.Ifhe’s smart… he won’t show his face here.”SpencehuggedKim, voice taut with anger.

Animage flashed inKim’smind… a memory she'd locked deep in her mind.Justafter she’d toldFinnthey were through.Thelook of utter disbelief, fury, and... the hand raised in the air.Finnwould have struck me had instincts not kicked in.She’dstepped forward, jabbed her knuckles against his windpipe, and then, as he gasped for breath, she’d swiftly kneed him in the groin—pure muscle memory.DaveandJakemade me practice that move ever sinceIwas fifteen.NowI’mashamed of the wayIcomplained and moaned thatI'dnever need to use it.ButJakeinsistedIlearn self-defense, thankGod.

“Hey,Kim, where’d you go?”

Spence’svoice penetrated the fog surrounding her brain.Sheblinked, shook her head, and forced a laugh. “Sorry,Ijust spaced out for a minute.”Noone needs to know whatFinndid or tried to do.I’llknee him again ifIhave to.

“Let’sget some food, babe.”Hetightened his arms around her and pressed his lips against the top of her head. “Don’tlet him get in your head.”

“You’reright,Iwon’t,Spence.Thankyou.”Noneed to tell him thatFinn’staken residence there today.

Spencelooked around the tent as they walked to the section set aside for the teams.Theypicked up the box lunches and drinks, then found an empty bench tucked against the side of the tent.Spencewatched asKimpeered into the box.

“Oh, this looks delicious,Spence—a veggie sandwich.”Shepicked up a container. “Lookslike a quinoa mixture.Orangeslices.Oh, and look at these cookies!”

Spencechuckled at her enthusiasm. “Ithink we can get extra if you want.”

Kimheld the oversized chocolate chip cookie toward him. “Tellme how good it is.”

Hebroke the cookie in half and popped it into his mouth. “Sogood… try it, babe.”

“Ido like to eat dessert first.”

SpencewatchedKimnibble on the cookie and then take a healthy bite. “Icould get addicted to these.HowhaveInot seen them in the food court?”

“Specialrecipe… high protein and carbs.Perfectfuel for athletes.”Spenceunwrapped his sandwich and offeredKimthe first taste.Sheshook her head.

“I’mstill savoring the cookie.”

Spence’seyes scanned the tent while he ate.Onlystudents in here.Didn’thear anyone shoutingKim’sname, butI’mused to blocking out sound when on the field.Hateseeing her spooked.Helooked atKim—his protective instincts kicked into overdrive.Overreacting?Maybe.ButifKim’slooking over her shoulder,I’lldo everythingIcan to make sure he’s not around.Shedoesn’t deserve this.