Page 54 of Winning Play

Kimchuckled, her lips turning up in a playful smile. “Goodpoint."

Thewaiter placed their meals in front of them—a colorful feast—juicy steaks and fresh fish combined with rice, corn, sweet peppers, and tropical fruit.

“Mmm,I’venever tasted anything like this.”Kimmoaned as she sampled fresh papaya.

“IloveCaribbeanfood,”Laurenagreed. “Wedon’t indulge often enough.”Shelooked atDave, her expression playful. “Someday,Ihope we’ll hopscotch acrossCaribbeanIslandsand sample all the foods.”

Dave’smouth quirked as if biting back a smile. “Sure, when you’re not attached to your cellphone twenty-four-seven heading offPRcatastrophes.”

“Idon’t have that many problem clients,Mr.Martin, and you know that.”

“Atthe moment.”

Spencelooked atKim, a question in his expression.

“LaurenandCarynChadwickhandle social media for pro athletes.Theymonitor accounts and try to head off major missteps.”Kimlooked atLauren, hoping she’d explained the business model accurately.

Laurenlaughed. “That’sthe crisis management aspect of our business, but well put,Kim.We’vebecome more selective in accepting clients.Youngerupcoming stars consume too much time.”Sheshifted her gaze towardKim. “Wecould use a younger associate with the energy to keep up with them.”

Kimstarted to reply, butSpencespoke first. “Aremost of your clients hockey players?”

“Hockey, baseball, occasionally football and soccer.Buta good percentage play hockey.”

“Nocollegiate teams?”SpencecaughtKim’seye and laughed. “CoachRamirezwould lobby ourADif he knew about this.Youwouldn’t believe the stuff some of the guys post.”

“Nothingsurprises me anymore.TheolderIget, the less patienceIhave.”Laurenglanced atDave. “WhenDave’sready to retire,I’llscale back on problem clients.”

“You'renot thinking about retiring,Dave?”Kim'sshock showed in her expression.

"Notthis year, no."Davelaughed quietly. "ButIdon't plan to play untilI'mforty."

"You'renot even thirty."WhyamIshocked that my brother's planning for life after his pro career?Ofcourse, he's looking long term.That'swhat sensible adults do.

“Closerto thirty than twenty.LaurenandIhave plans.Wemight decide to expand her business in new directions or start a family.”

Kimstared at her brother, seeing the humor in his expression. "Didyou say start a family?"Shefelt excitement rising in her chest.

"Atsome point,"Laurensaid with a smile. "Nothingimminent, but we've talked about it."

Kimfelt a grin taking over her face. "You'llbe wonderful parents.Gee,I'llbe an aunt!"

"Slowdown,Kimmy.We'renot there yet.Justthinking,"Davesaid. "Whenthe time comes,Idon't want to be on the road nine months of the year."

"Youhave, what, five years left on your contract?"Kimasked.

"Four.AsIsaid, nothing imminent, so don't mention grandchildren toMomorDad."

Kimgiggled, mimicking zipping her lips as she looked towardSpence.Shesaw the amusement in his expression when he squeezed her hand.

“Somethingawesome to look forward to, babe,” he said.“Wheneverthat happens.”

Spencesuggested they walk around the campus afterDaveandLaurendropped them off by the dorm. “Awesomeday, fantastic evening,Kim.Thanksfor including me for dinner.”

Shelooped her arm through his and leaned against his shoulder. “Ofcourse, you were included!Daveinvited both of us.Theylike you.”Kimlooked up at him, andSpencesaw her eyes sparkle.

“Idon’t have to worry about your brother taking me behind the gym?”

“You’resafe, dork.”Kimpulled back and met his eyes, her lips twitching. “We’rejust pretending to date.”