Page 53 of Winning Play

Afterwinning the second match,Kimcollapsed on one of the beach towels that volunteers had spread throughout the quadrangle around the courts.Duringthe final game of the match, points flip-flopped, making both sides wonder if either team could score two consecutive points.Thelongest gameKimhad ever played saw the final two points scored bySpence’sfreshmen teammates.Kimjust wanted to catch her breath as the jubilant players celebrated their entry to the quarterfinals the next day.

Spencedropped beside her, his arms clutching an array of supplies—water bottles, hydration drinks, and a few energy bars.Hefirst handedKima cool, damp towel.Shepressed it against her face for a few moments before wrapping it around the back of her neck.

“Thankyou,” she murmured, accepting the open water bottle.ShefeltSpence’seyes focused on her face—he didn’t appear affected by the match.

“Thinkyou got a bit overheated, babe.Ishould have kept an eye on you—you’re not quite acclimated.”

Kimwaved her hand. “I’mfine.Justnot used to all this exercise—I’mout of shape.”

“Hardly.Youwere amazing,Kim.Youheld the team together and gave away the credit.”Heopened a hydration drink and exchanged it for her empty water bottle.

“I’mso happy thatPedroscored the winning point!”

“Yeah,Castielooked pumped.Alongwith the entire team.”Hescooted besideKimand encouraged her to lean against him. “Ithink the volleyball coach was scouting you.”

Kimbatted his leg. “Doubtthat.Thistournament will be enough for me.”

Ashadow fell across the towel, and they looked up to seeLaurenandDave. “Congratulationson that game.”Davepulled a beach towel beside theirs. “Weenjoyed the match.”

“Ididn’t even see you!”Kimsaid.

“Youwere rather focused on the game.”Dave’stone causedLaurento chuckle.

“You’dhave thought you were playing forOlympicGold.Ithink your brother destroyed some sod with his pacing.”Sheaimed a wink towardKimandSpence. “So, when do you play next—tomorrow?”

“Hopingthree games.Quarter- and semifinals, then the trophy game.”Kimpretended to groan. “Whomade up this schedule?”

Spencelaughed. “Thatwould be you, babe.”

Kimlay back on the towel. “Killme now.”

“Comewith us to dinner,”Davesaid. “We’llget you a proper post-game meal, then order pre-game meals for tomorrow.”

Kimlooked atSpence. “Dowe need to stay for the rest of the games?”

“Nah, we’re good.Remember, there’s a fresh crew reporting for cleanup tonight and set up tomorrow.”Helooked towardDave. “We’llaccept that invitation ifMissKimberlycan pull herself together.”

Kimbatted atSpence’schest as she sat up. “Ineed to shower first.”

“Please, do that,”Davesaid.

Wasthat a snicker from my brother?“Whendo you want to go?”

“Wheneveryou’re free,Kimmy.”

Spencestood and offered his hand to help her stand. “Whydon’t you go on and get ready?I’lltouch base with the committee and meet you at the dorm in… will forty-five minutes work?”

“Takeyour time,”Davesaid. “We’llenjoy some quality time with my sister.”

Theydrove to a trendyTamparestaurant near the causeway, where they requested seating on the beautiful patio overlooking the water.Theatmosphere was vibrant yet comfortable.Crowdssurrounded them, indulging inCaribbean-inspired dishes.

"Ilove this patio.Theview is incredible,"Kimsaid, sipping her drink as she scanned the waterfront. "Doyou come here often?"

Laurensmiled. "Notas often as we'd like."Sheleaned back asDaverested his arm on her chair.

"Ididn't know this restaurant existed,"Spencesaid. "IthoughtI'dhit many of them in four years, but nothing like this."

"I'mglad we could take you both somewhere new.Althougheverything's new forKim,"Daveteased.