Page 52 of Winning Play

“It’simpressive.Ihope the players feel the love.”

Kimhugged him. “Theywill if they haven’t experienced it already.”

Playingvolleyball again reawakened her love for the game, butKimcarefully suppressed her skill level during the first game.Shecouldn’t forgetDave’steasing that she’d be the team’s ringer and wanted to helpSpence’syoung teammates score.Shepassed up opportunities to score points and chose to extend volleys instead.

Spenceshook his head after she resisted spiking the ball near the net.Hepassed close beside her. “Spikeit,Kimberly.Iknow you want to.”

Kim’swidened eyes proclaimed innocence, butSpenceraised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his expression.Shedidn’t want to score the winning point, but as the points tallied for the opposing team—too close for comfort—Kimscored three straight points, cementing the win for the team.

“Abouttime,Popcorn!”Spencesaid as he grabbed her in a victory hug. “Thoughtyou were throwing the game for a moment.”

Kimpulled back, shooting him a reproachful look. “Iwant the young guys to make the points.”

“Theybarely know how to play.Justget us the trophy, sweetheart.”Hisblue eyes caused the butterflies to gather. “Thanksto you, they scored a good number of points.Let’sget some hydration and check the board for our next game.”

KimandSpencewaited in the congested line to the concession tent.Inher peripheral vision,Kimnoticed a group of younger coeds drawing towardSpencelike moths to a flame.Irritationknotted her stomach as the girls batted their eyes and giggled whenSpenceresponded to a question.

What—Afan club?Andwhy should it bother you?

Hisblue eyes met hers, andSpenceshrugged before approaching the counter.Asthey filled drink cups and grabbed snacks for their teammates,Spenceleaned in close and murmured, “Youcould help a guy out—act likeI'myour boyfriend.”Hislow voice sent shivers running up her spine, andKimmelted into his side.

Onceback outside the concession tent with their refreshments in tow,Spenceglanced at the board displaying the upcoming tournament matches.Hepointed it out toKimwith a smile that crinkled his eyes, and she fought a sudden urge to kiss him.Don’tget carried away.He’snot really your boyfriend, remember?

Spencespotted the team catching up with friends from other squads as they gathered in the shade of aLiveOaktree. “Hey, guys!” he called out. “Foodand drinks.”

“Ournext match is in an hour,”Spenceadded, handing the group bags of fruit, sports drinks, and energy bars.Heglanced atKim, who held their lunch. “C’mon, babe, let’s sit over there.”

Spenceguided her to the bench below the shade of the enormous tree.

“It’smagnificent,Spence.I’venever seen anything like this tree.”

“Liveoak—we have these trees inSavannah.Mysister andIloved to climb them when we were kids.”HewatchedKim’ssmile spread as she looked up at the tree branches.

“Don’ttempt me.Ilearned tree climbing from the master—my brotherJake.”

“When’sthe last time you climbed a tree?”

“WhenIwas twelve.Islipped when a branch cracked and scraped up my face.Luckily,Ididn’t break a bone.JakeandIwere grounded after that.Mymom reminded me—many times—that climbing trees was not ‘ladylike.’”Spencewatched asKimeyed the tree. “Wecould have played all day on one of these.Youever get tempted?”

Spencechuckled. “Hadn’tthought about it.Thatbranch on the left would be a good starting point to reach that perfect perch.”Hepointed to a branch about twenty feet off the ground. “Wecould watch most of the campus from there.Wevacationed inHiltonHeadIslandevery summer—there’s an amazing old live oak by a children’s playground inHarborTown.Oneof its branches loops low enough to use as a chair.Weloved that tree—my parents would leave us there while they shopped in all the craft stores.Verycool.”

“HiltonHeadis nearSavannah?”

“It’sanEasydrive, just over inSouthCarolina.There’sa ‘LegacyOaks’ program—a trail you can walk or bike to see live oaks.Theserange in age from one hundred to three hundred fifty years old.”

Kim’seyes sparked with interest. “Didyou see every tree?”

Spencescoffed. “Heckno, we had more interest in getting to the beach than taking a three-hour bike ride.”Heoffered an orange section toKim. “I’llmake that a priority next timeIgo there.”

“Doyou visit every summer?”

“Myparents finally bought a little villa there a few years ago.Theytake long weekend trips quite often.Atrip to theIslandusually gets scheduled ifI’mhome for more than a few weeks.”Heglanced atKim. “Maybewe can drive up there after the summer semester.”

“I’dlove to see your island.”

Spencebrushed a few stray hairs away from her face. “We’llmake it happen then.”