Page 46 of Winning Play

“I’mhardly a ringer—it’s been so long sinceI’veplayed.”

Kimsipped her glass ofChardonnayas she listened toLauren’sanecdotes from the group trip toMexico.Unbidden, her imagination placedSpenceand her at the resort—walking hand-in-hand through lush foliage, birds trilling in the trees, the scent of exotic flowers in the air.

Wishfulthinking?Butnot likely.Needto remember this relationship’s only for show.Spencestepped up as a friend whenFinnshowed up on campus.That’sthe only reason for this charade.

Kimshook her head whenDaveinterrupted her musings. “I’msorry…Izoned off thinking about your trip.”

“Iasked if things are good with you andMomnow?”

“Icall her several times a week—she doesn’t mention anything about him now.”Kimpaused for a long drink of wine. “Heshowed up on campus last week.”

Dave’seyes immediately narrowed. “Hewhat?Didhe talk to you?Whatdid he want?”Herattled off questions untilLaurenrested her hand on his arm.


Kimdrank more wine. “Iwas walking to my dorm, and he was suddenly there.Saidhe wanted to talk.Itold him to leave, not talk to me or come around me.Heaccused me of ‘keying’ his sports car and said he’d ‘overlook’ it ifIagreed to a fresh start with him.IthinkIcalled him delusional.”Kimset her glass aside and continued with a small smile. “Ithelped thatSpencewalked up whenIturned my back onFinn.”

“Whatdid he do?”Laureninterrupted.

Kimfelt hands squeeze her shoulders.Spence.Perfecttiming, as always.

“Itold him to stay far, far away from my girlfriend,”Spencesaid as he slid into the seat besideKim. “Sorry,I’mlate, babe.”Heleaned to place a kiss onKim’scheek.

Daveshook his head, andKimknew he was processingFinn’sappearance on campus andSpence’srevelation that they were dating.Laurenbroke the silence with a smile.

“Iknew you two had chemistry.We’rehappy for you—aren’t we,Dave?”Shenot-so-subtlety elbowed her husband to respond.

“Iwish you’d led with something like a ‘We’renow dating’ remark,Kimmy…”Dave’sbrown eyes shifted betweenKimandSpence. “What’syour ex’s name?”Histone demanded an answer.

“FinnHendricks.Hishuge ego can’t accept thatIbroke off the relationship.”Kimheard the mocking tone in her voice.Shemet her brother’s eyes steadily. “Ididn’t touch his car.He’sprobably back inVancouverby now.”

Daveshifted his gaze toSpence. “Youagree withKim?”

Spenceplaced his hand overKim’s. “Hopeso.Wereported him to campus security.Theyhave his image from the security cameras and will ensure the entire department receives a copy.They’llknow if he steps on campus.”

KimthoughtDavelooked skeptical. “Whatare the security protocols at the dorms?”

“Dave, there’s nothing to worry about,” she protested. “He’sgone—andIhaven’t heard from him since then.”

“Didhe send those flowers?”

Kimshrugged. “Yeah,Iforgot about them.”Sheglanced atSpence.

“Kimmy, you need to stay alert,”Davesaid. “Sendingflowers, showing up on campus.Nota coincidence.”HecapturedKim’seyes, his expression dark. “Maybewe need a restraining order?”

“Please,Dave, just let it go.I’mnot afraid ofFinn.”Kimhoped to diffuse the anger evident in her brother’s expression. “Iwant to put him and the entire mistake of our relationship in the deep freeze.”

Daveheld her gaze for a long moment. “You’lltell me if he tries to contact you.”

“Ofcourse.Itold you about him showing up on campus.”

Davedidn’t reply for a long moment. “Fairenough.”Heturned towardSpence. “Howabout giving me a hand with the drinks?”


“Doyou think he’s left town?”DaveaskedSpenceas they walked to the bar.

Spenceshrugged, choosing his words. “I’dlike to believe that.Nosign of him since that day.Ishowed my teammates his photo onInstagram.Iwon’t assume he’s gone.”