Page 38 of Winning Play


Thefollowing week sped by asKimassistedSpencein organizing the volleyball round-robin.ThePanhellenicCouncilagreed to help coordinate the event, and soon, theStormSurgehad an enthusiastic committee to divide tasks.Theuniversity sports teams scrambled to form teams—even though the basketball teams were deep into their season, they fielded a team since the round-robin would take place on a free weekend.Greekteams, independent teams, and even a faculty team filled the bracket.

Theorganizing group chose theSuns’IcetheBulliesproject to receive the funds raised.TheSunsPRdepartment offered to sponsor the event by providing signage, team shirts, and prizes for the top three teams.

Spenceorganized one of the baseball team’s entries, encouraging freshmen and sophomore players to participate.HeconvincedKimto join the team, saying she held an honorary spot as team scorekeeper.

“It’scrazy hectic, butI’menjoying meeting so many new people,”Kimsaid as she andSpencedrove toLaurenandDave’shome mid-week. “Everyone’sso cooperative and super nice.”

“Forme, this campus has a small-town mentality,”Spenceagreed. “We’rea little community in a large metro area.”

“Delightfulchange fromVancouver.Lotsof different ‘communities’ that rarely intersected,”Kimoffered. “Veryeasy to remain invisible.”

“Popcorn,Idon’t think you’re ever invisible.”

Kimshook her head. “Thenyou’d be surprised.”Sheguided him toDaveandLauren’sgated community. “Thecar’s transponder should open the gate.”Shegave directions to the house and pointed out some amenities. “Turnleft, then it’s the third driveway on the right.”

“Nicethat it backs up to a lake,”Spencecommented as he parked the car.Kimhopped from the passenger side before he could open it for her. “Youmake it hard to follow mySouthernmanners.”

“Sorry.”Kimchuckled. “I’mnot used to such gallantry.”

“Myparents ingrained that habit as far back asIcan remember.Mymom would be very disappointed in me.”HegaveKimthe keys. “Alot of power under the hood.”

KimpattedLauren’sMustangconvertible. “Davecalls it her muscle car.”

Spence’slips quirked. “Puttingit mildly.Youdon’t like driving it?”

Kimlaughed as she grabbed his arm and led him to the front door. “I’dlove to drive it out in the country without traffic.I’mtoo nervous downtown, especially sinceI’munfamiliar with the area and relying onGPS.”Shestopped on the front porch and consulted the notesLaurenhad written for her. “Don’tlet me forget to fill her bird feeders.”Shenodded toward a feeder on their left.Shetook a deep breath before inserting the key.

“Gotthe alarm code?”Spenceteased.

Kimheld up the sheet in her hand and pushed the door open.Shetyped the code into the security panel and exhaled in relief. “I’dnever hear the end of it if we triggered the alarm.”

“Ifthey’re at aZenretreat in the rainforest,Idoubt he has cell service.”

KimwatchedSpencewalk through the foyer and look at the massive open floor plan.Hegrinned as he met her eyes. “Youever get lost in here?”

“I’vethought of leaving breadcrumbs.Ilove that screened porch best—so relaxing.”

Spenceraised his eyebrows. “Nopool?”

“Wait.You’llsee.”Kimled him toward the master suite and opened theFrenchdoors to the adjoining spa and plunge pool. “Theirprivate oasis.”

“Sweet.IthinkI’vefound my favorite place in this home.”

“Laurensaid we’re welcome to use it.”

Kimchuckled at the look he sent her. “Niceif we had our swimsuits,Popcorn.”

“Icould probably find something ofDave’s?”Kimteased. “Orwe could skinny-dip,” she blurted, then immediately felt her face burn with embarrassment. “Nevermind,Ican’t believeIsaid that.”Niceone,Martin.Whatwould you do if he said okay?

Sheturned away, then stilled whenSpencetouched her shoulder. “I’llwait until next time we head out here.I’llcome prepared.”Hetried to suppress a laugh. “Mymom would have a stroke if she found outIskinny-dipped with a gorgeous female friend.”

Kimhazarded a look at his face and caught the teasing glint in the sparkling blue eyes.

“Youlook adorable when you get flustered,Kim.”

“Mymouth gets ahead of my brain sometimes.Openmouth, insert foot.”