“Thanks,Kim.I’dlove to, butCoachscheduled a crack-of-dawn workout tomorrow.”Thedisappointment in his voice surprised him.
Shewrinkled her nose. “Yeah,Ineed to finish that paperI'veneglected this week.”
Spencewatched her unlock the door and held it open for her.Shelooked up at him with a question in her eyes.Kissher?No…Justtreat her like my friend.
Onautomatic pilot, he leaned down, kissed her cheek lightly, and stepped back.
“Spence…”Herlips curved into a—disappointed?—smile. “Thanksfor coming to the game with me."
Kimsprinted up the stairs to her room.Theevening exceeded her expectations.Sheloved watchingDaveplay and regretted thatFinnhad convinced her to do something besides attending aVancouvergame whenTampavisited the city.Neveragain.Theperfect person to watch a game with,Spence’shockey knowledge rivaled hers.Hedidn’t seem to mind “talking hockey” and didn’t act as ifKimembarrassed him whenever she jumped to her feet to cheer, whistled like a teenage boy, or vocally criticized a call on the ice.Bythe end of the first period,Spencehad joinedKim, syncing her antics with his own.
Kimchuckled, remembering the impromptu goal celebration whenDavescored on a one-timer.Theyexchanged high fives and performed a little dance and a loud “Go,Suns,Go!” chant.Herchuckle morphed into a giggle when she thought about his improvised addition to the goal dance.Don’tremember the last timeIlaughed like that, but that little hip bump made a perfect ending to the dance.Neverseen this side ofSpence… such a clown.Cuteclown.Makethat gorgeous clown.
Someoneknocked on the door just as she sat to organize the homework she’d left on the desk.Whoneeds supplies at this hour?Andon aFridaynight?Kimopened the door with a smile and saw her neighborNatalieholding a large box.
“Whatin the world?”
“Surprise!”Nataliehanded the box toKim. “Isaw the delivery guy outside the dorm earlier, soIaccepted this for you.I’venever received flowers delivered here.”
“Meneither,”Kimsaid. “Thanks,Nat.Ican’t imagine who sent these.”
“Someonehas a crush on you,” she said in a sing-song voice.
Kimstepped back. “Comein, and you can help unbox this.”
“Thanks, butIcan’t stay.Wehave friends over.IthoughtIheard your door open.”Natalie’ssmile was bright. “Ibet that gorgeousSpencesent these.Youknow all the girls on this hall are jealous!”
“Noreason—we’re just pals.Idon’t think he sent the flowers.”
“No?Well, let me know your secret admirer tomorrow.”
Kimlaughed. “Willdo.Thanksso much for delivering these.”
Aftershutting the door,Kimtook the box to the kitchen and set it on the counter.Shegrabbed a pair of scissors to slide along the opening.Ariot of colors greeted her.Vibrantshades of yellow, orange, and red blended into an enormous bouquet.Shegently lifted the flowers and looked for a card.Nothing.Nonote, no card, no card holder.Shelooked at the address label and only saw the return address for the florist.Nothing.Couldcustomer service have that information?
Sheunwrapped the flowers and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the box included a vase to hold the bouquet.Thoughtful.Bythe time she arranged the flowers and added water and food to the vase,Kimstifled a yawn.Theflowers brightened her apartment with hibiscus, gerbera daisies, and other tropical flowers she didn’t recognize.Sheneeded to find an app to identify them.Plus, solve the mystery of who sent this gorgeous gift.
Spenceflashed through her mind, but she immediately dismissed it.Whywould he send me flowers?Ororder them on the internet?Noreason for my brothers or parents to send flowers… unlessMom’strying to make peace.Ofcourse!
Reliefrushed throughKim.Shehated arguing with her mother.Ithad always been the two of them in a houseful of big guys.CarolineencouragedKimto develop her passions but didn’t question her when she embraced the same sports as her brothers.
Kimconfided in her mother—just about everything—until she’d moved to on-campus housing at theUniversity.Althoughthey spoke several times a week,Kimselectively edited what she revealed.Somethings were better left unsaid.Herroommates called it “need-to-know” information.Thetimes she skipped class, had to sneak into the dorm after curfew, and learned the hard way how much she could drink without getting drunk… mothers didn’t need details of all experiences.
Onhis way toSaturday’sworkout,Spencewalked withToddandEric, who quizzed him on his “non-date” withKim.
“Centerice seats, just enough rows from the ice to see the rink.Youcan’t believe the difference when you’re that close to the action—freaking intense!”
“YougetVIPtreatment fromKim’sbrother?”
Spenceshrugged. “Shetook me to the suite theSunshave for family and friends, but we sat in the seatsDavebuys for his parents when they visit.Afterthe game, we went to theCenterIceLoungewith some of the team and their wives and girlfriends.Wehad a great time.”Hepaused, then added with a grin, “We’regoing to the four o’clock game tomorrow.”
Toddsnorted. “Don’tgloat, man.So, you andKim, are you…”
Ericshook his head, “Keeptelling yourself that,Spencer.Ourscorekeeper-slash-coach is crushing on you—wake up.”