Page 32 of Winning Play

“Morethan good.Areyou enjoying the after-game celebration?”

“Theentire experience has spoiled me.Greatseats, an exciting game, too much food, and the most knowledgeable hockey expert at my side.Doesn’tget any better.”Heglanced at her glass. “CanIget you a refill?”


Spencesat in the chair beside her. “Thanksfor including me,Kim.”

“Thankyou for coming with me.It’sfun to sit with someone who knows the game.”Kimloved the way his blue eyes sparkled.Shereached to touch his arm. “Youhave a standing invitation for games that don’t conflict with classes, practice, or baseball games.”

“Yeah, it’s about to get pretty crazy.ButIcan manage a few games—ifyourschedule permits.”

“I’denjoy that.”Kimsipped her water. “Yourlife’s about to get incredibly busy, isn’t it?”

“Withthe season starting?Iguess a notch up from practice every day.Gamesare what we live for, though.Ican do without the long bus rides, but playing keeps me motivated.”

“I’mlooking forward to opening day.”

“So, you’re planning to come?”Spenceasked.

“Unlessyou’d ratherIdon’t?”Kimraised her eyebrows.

Spencescoffed. “Don’tbe crazy.Theentire team wants you in your seat behind home plate.”

“Butaren’t those reserved for season ticket holders?Alumni, major donors?”

Spenceshrugged. “GuessI’llask.Myparents never have trouble getting good seats.I’llcheck into it tomorrow.”

Kimnodded as she tried to stifle a yawn. “Sorry—it’s not you.”

“Gettinglate.Youready to head out?”

“Ithink so.Letme say goodbye to everyone.”Kimpushed back her chair and acceptedSpence’shand.Hefollowed her as she approachedLauren, resting his hand on her lower back when she weaved between the crowded tables.

Thatslight touch sent an electrical current pulsing along her spine.Down, girl!ThisisSpence.Yourfriend,ChathamSpencer.Forgetthat the slightest contact makes you tingle.

“Youtwo leaving?”Laurenasked. “Thanksfor celebrating with us.”ShehuggedKimand includedSpencewith a smile. “Willwe see youSunday?”

“Planningto come.Thanks,Lauren.”Kimturned to her brother, who had just walked over. “Promisinganother win?”Shegrinned as she patted his chest.

“Asmuch asIcan control it,” he retorted. “I’llput it on the list with a natural hat trick.”Daveextended his hand toSpence. “Gladyou could make it.”

“Thankyou for the great seats.Suremiss skating now.”

“I’lllet you know the next time the team plans anOpenAccessDayat the arena.Getyou competing in some one-on-one matches.”DavepulledKiminto the big brother hug she loved. “Besure to find meSunday—go to the family waiting area after the game, okay?”

“Surething.Areyou heading to yourZenretreat right after the game?”

“FirstthingMondaymorning.Iwant to leave a couple of things with you before our trip,Kimmy.”

“Gotcha.Iwon’t forget.”Kimstruggled to keep a straight face before kissing his cheek. “Seeyou guysSunday.”


“Doyou want to come up?”Kimasked asSpencewalked with her to the dorm.

Heglanced at his watch.DoIwant to go toKim’sroom?Well, yeah… this non-date’s been a blast… everything feels so natural with her.Maybeanother “innocent” kiss?

Hestudied her face, the hint of a smile curving her lips.Nope, better not.Practicecomes way too early.