Davecontinued the conversation as they headed away from the busy campus area in hisSUV. “Everythinggoing as you expected?”
“Sofar, so good—Ithink,”Kimsaid with a chuckle. “Thecourses are more challenging thanIexpected.Notthat they’re difficult, but the sheer volume of assignments and outside reading overwhelms me ifIstop to think about it.So,Itry to take it day-to-day and keep my head above water.”
“Takingtoo many classes?Youcan drop one with no penalty, right?”
“I’mfollowing the recommended schedule for this one-year master's degree.Worksmarter and don’t waste time worrying over thingsIcan’t control.”Kimshrugged and watched her brother process her words.Heglanced at her briefly.
“Kimmy, remember you don’t have to complete the program in just one year.Ifit takes extra time, don’t stress, okay?”
“Haven’teven considered taking more than one year.Ientered intending to graduate next year.Thingsshould get under control in another week.Idon’t want to be twenty-four or older whenIgraduate.”
“We’vespent little time together the past few years.Ididn’t see you the last time we visitedVancouver.Ihope you can save some time for us while we have you inTampa.”
“YouknowIwill,Dave.Promise.”Shereached to squeeze his arm. “Ihope you andLaurendon’t regret helping me come here for grad school.”
“That’simpossible.I’mtrying to tell you that if it takes two or three years to complete the program, we’ve got you covered.Ageshouldn’t be the motivating factor.”Whenthe car stopped at a traffic light, he made eye contact. “Imean that in every way.”
“Thanks.”Kim’seyes watered, and she flicked a stray tear from her cheek.Davesqueezed her shoulder as the signal turned green.
“Yourturn to shine, sissy—and have some fun.”
Herphone chimed, andKimsent the call to voicemail when she saw her mother’s picture flash on the screen, then sighed as she dropped the phone into her bag.Sheheard her brother chuckling.
Kimsighed as she looked out the window. “Tampa’sbeautiful with the water everywhere… likeVancouverin some ways.”Hervoice trailed off. “MomthinksImade a mistake—Ibroke up with a guyI’dbeen dating.”
“HaveImet him?Andwhy doesMomcare?”
“Younever met him.Wedated for a year and a half, andMomandDadgrew fond of him.Imean, they practically treat him like their third son.EvenafterIbroke things off—and now thatImoved toTampa—he still comes to the house and has dinner with them.WheneverItalk withMom, she saysIneed to give him another chance, talk to him… whatever.Sherefuses to believe me whenIsay, ‘No.’”
“Youloved the guy?”
“No!”Kimheard the intensity in her voice. “Wejust dated… for too long.Ishould have stopped seeing him long beforeIended things.He… well,Idon’t think you’d like him.”
“DoIneed to have a chat with him?”Dave’svoice was taut and controlled.
“Doesn’tmatter now.We’redone.”Kimforced a laugh. “Andhe’s thousands of miles away.AndonceMomandDadaccept we’re not a couple, our relationship will return to normal.”
“Ifyou need me to run interference,Ican talk to them.Wehead out west next road trip, you know.”
Kimglanced at her brother. “Notunless she brings it up to you or invitesFinnto join them at your game.There’scomfort knowingI’mon the other side of the continent.”
SpenceknewKimhad planned to spend the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law, but force of habit had him checking the seats behind home plate during an exhibition gameSaturdayafternoon.Shehadn’t missed any games, and he’d started to think of her as the team’s good luck charm.EvenToddandEricexpressed disappointment when they didn’t seeKimin the stands.
“It’san exhibition game, guys,”Spencelaughed. “I’msureKimwould rather spend time with her brother.”
Ericshrugged. “She’spart of our group, one of the guys… er… you know whatImean.Herpost-games analyses are…”
“JustlikeCoachRamirez’s, only different.”Toddshrugged. “Iget what she says…”
Spenceclapped a hand onTodd’sshoulder. “Asmuch as we’d prefer to think otherwise,Kimdidn’t move here to help us win baseball.”
“Thinkof the bright side,”Ericadded. “Shesaid she’d get us tickets to a hockey game.Goingto a playoff game would be sweet.”