Page 17 of Winning Play

“There, too, but spring break brings the parents, juniors, and seniors on college visits.Goodtime to head somewhere else.”

Kimmade a face. “Luckily,Ican stay with my brother and sister-in-law.Doyou have games then?”

“Mostlikely, or maybe a tournament.”Heshrugged. “Buthaving no classes gives me time to catch up before midterms.”

“Doyou go home?Howlong does it take to drive toSavannah?”

“It’snot bad.Myparents usually plan a trip toTampaduring the season or travel to conference and national tournaments, provided we make them.”Spencelooked at her with a smile. “Mostsummers,Igo home, butImay need to take some classes this year.”

“I’llbe here.Notime off with this master’s program.”

HeguidedKimthrough a building. “Shortcut.Handywhen you’re rushing to class across campus.”

“Goodto know.Twoof my classes are back-to-back on opposite ends of campus.”Kimchuckled. “Missedthe bus and barely made it on time.Cuttingthrough buildings—a brilliant hack!”

“Onceyou visualize the campus, you’ll discover your shortcuts.Don’tuse the bookstore or food court to save time.”Spenceenjoyed watching her laugh—her chestnut eyes crinkled and radiated pure joy.

Whenthey reached her building,Kimpulled out her key card as she spoke. “Thanksfor inviting me to the game and dinner with your teammates.Reallyenjoyed both.IdoubtI’llhave that much free time once the semester gets rolling.”

Spencechuckled at the face she made. “Ihope you make time forsomefun.Wouldyou mind giving me your number?Imight need you during the season since you brought good luck today.”Heflashed a smile that most people couldn’t resist.NeithercouldKim.

Shehesitated just a beat, then handed her phone to him. “Callyour phone soIcan save your number.ThenIwon’t send you to voicemail as an unidentified caller.”Herbrown eyes sparkled with a teasing glint.

Heentered his number and selected “call.”Whenhis phone chimed in his pocket, he returnedKim’sphone and pretended to answer his.

“Yousent me to voicemail.”Spenceacted surprised.

“We’reface-to-face.WhywouldItake a call?Letme know if you still want me to help you build a wall organizer for the semester.”

“Ido—andIwill call you.IthinkIknow whatIneed to get started.Saturday, maybe?”

“Thatworks for me.”Kimheld his gaze for a moment. “Ienjoyed today,Spence.Thanksfor including me.”

“Thanksfor the moral support.”Spence’smouth quirked slightly. “Seeyou around,KimMartin.Don’tspend all your time studying.”Helightly brushed his hand across her cheek. “I’maround if you need anything.”

Kimjogged up the stairs, a smile spreading across her face.Everytime she sawSpence, she felt her heart flutter.Shetouched her cheek where his fingers grazed her skin.Itstill tingled with electricity…Shehad no business thinking aboutSpencethat way.Justescaped a toxic relationship that sent me across a continent.HowcanIeven think aboutSpenceas anything other than a friend?

Sheknew now that he felt a similar connection, and her heart warmed, recalling how he looked at her.Sheenjoyed his company, his easy-going personality—not to mention his devilish blue eyes, thick hair that begged her fingers to run through it, and not the least, the way he looked in his baseball uniform.Whoknew baseball pants could look so good?Tightbaseball pants.Andthose broad shoulders hinting at toned musclesbeneath the jersey and biceps that suggest physical strength.Nowonder he makes the throw to first so quick and accurate.

Shepaused outside her room, allowing her imagination to act on the attraction.Ifonly.Butas she entered the apartment,Kimshoved the daydreams aside.Ineed a friend much more than a boyfriend.Right?ShouldIhopeSpencefeels the same wayIdo?Aboutbeing friends—nothing more?

Afterstopping in the food court for a cold drink,Spencereturned to his residence hall.Heneeded to get serious about that required reading.HeknewKimcould distract him—even though she didn’t know it.Seeingher in the stands at the inter-squad game had motivated him to play in mid-season form.Itwas unusual to have someone he invited at a game.Hisparents could attend only a few games each year, sometimes with his sister, if their schedules meshed.Playingbefore a home crowd of students and alumni provided plenty of adrenaline, but knowingKimhad come to a meaningless inter-squad game meant more than he’d expected.

She’dkept score!Ofcourse, with her brother playing pro ball inVancouver,Kimgrew up with baseball… and hockey.Didshe participate in team sports, too?It’scommon for girls to play hockey inCanada,Ithink.Withtwo brothers, she probably skated as soon as she walked.Maybewe can go to the ice rink a few miles from here.Though, shecan probably skate circles around me.

Heremembered the conversation he’d overheard at her apartment.Boyfriend?Ex-boyfriend inVancouver?Spenceadmitted he wanted to get to knowKimbetter, but not if she was taking a timeout from a relationship.Hehad no desire to get in the middle, even though he thought they had a connection.DidIimagine that?


LaureninvitedKimto spend the weekend at their house, saying she wanted to plan a luncheon with a few friends.Excitedto spend time withDaveandLauren,Kimpacked an overnight bag and waited in the passenger pick-up and drop-off zone forDaveto pick her upFridayafternoon.Thefirst three weeks of the semester had passed at warp speed, andKimlooked forward to joining “normal life” for a couple of days.AlthoughbothDaveandLaurenchecked in with her regularly, she hadn’t seen them since move-in day.TheSunshad just returned from a week-long road trip two days earlier.

Shewaited in the drop-off zone for her dorm, andDavelaughed when he stepped from his car. “Eagerto get off campus?”

“Happyto spend time with my brother and his amazing wife.”KimhuggedDave’swaist as he took her bag and set it in the back.

“Jeez,Kimmy, what did you pack?Cementblocks?”

“Justa few of my textbooks.Ihave a couple of assignmentsIneed to complete.”