Page 12 of Winning Play

Theguy looked familiar, butSpencecouldn’t place him.Older.Nota student.Theman set the mattress against the wall and glanced atSpence.

“Whatare my chances that this will fit in the elevator.”

“Slimto none.Triedthat earlier whenIassisted with a move-in.Ican help you get it up the stairs.”

“Thanks, appreciate it.”Heheld out his hand. “DaveMartin.”


Martinlaughed. “Fourth, of course.”Hereached for the mattress. “Graban end.”

Spencedidn’t make the connection until they maneuvered the mattress through the fourth-floor stairwell.Martin?Kim’sbrother?Now,Ican see the similarities.

“Hopethis mattress fits.Thefirst was too short,”Davecommented as they carried the mattress down the hallway. “Neverguessed dorm beds are not true twin beds.”

“Everything’sextra long—makes it easier for the basketball and football-sized folks to fit.”Spencewatched the back ofDave’shead as they walked toward the corner room.Doubthe’d find any twin bed comfortable—did he play sports in college?Hehelped angle the mattress through the open doorway toKim’sroom.

“Didyou have trouble,Dave?”

HeheardKim’svoice and suppressed a laugh when he reached the door.

“No, some help found me.”Daveguided the mattress toward the bedroom, andSpencewinked when he read the surprise inKim’sexpression.

“Spence!Howdid you show up when my stubborn brother denied he needed any help?”

“Iwasn’t askingAndrewto make another trip out here.”Davemotioned forSpenceto take his end to the foot of the bed. “Didn’tknow extra-long mattresses existed.”Hesituated the mattress on the frame, then looked over his shoulder atKim. “Youguys know each other?”

“Spenceand a group of guys helped with moving in.”Kimglanced atSpence. “Wealso kinda ran into each other at the game.”

“Yeah?”Davestraightened, his brown eyes narrowing as he looked atSpence.

“Itripped coming up the stairs, and he prevented me from cracking my head against the ground,”Kimsaid with a smile. “Justafter you created that huge ice spray.”

Spence’sgaze followed the verbal lobs between the siblings.

“Gladyou kept my sister from a faceplant.Itwouldn’t have been the first time.”

Kimswatted her brother’s arm.

“Daveplays for theSuns,” she said. “Iassume you’ve metSpence?”Kimglared at her brother.

“Yes, thanks for the help,”Davesaid, extending his hand.

“Noproblem.”SpencereturnedDave’sfirm grip.

“Youplay baseball forFCU?”

“Yes, sir,Ido.Youfollow college baseball?”

“Wefollowed the tournament last spring.Amazingrun—your team bulldozed its way through the tournament.”

“Yep, up until the championship game.”

Daveshrugged. “Doesn’ttake away from the accomplishment.”

Spencesmiled slightly. “Youfelt that way when theSunslost in theFinal?”

Kimwatched as respect filledDave’sexpression. “Nota bit.Theonly redemption—winning theCupthe following season.”