

take it back now, y’all:

I’m sorry, Red.

My eyes scanned the crowded room as I people-watched to pass the time until Red returned. Even though I’d hoped we were close to bailing on the anonymous thing, she’d gotten a message that there was a problem with one of the vendors and promised she’d be right back.

Given the way she’d bolted with that crimson dress floating behind her as she fled, part of me wondered if she’d actually return to me. She hadn’t left me a high heel made of glass to track her down with, but she had my number. I really doubted she’d use it, but hey. Bigger miracles happened every day, right?

The air inside the mansion was thick with laughter and accents thicker than molasses, while the scent of magnolias filled the room. I really hadn’t wanted to come here tonight, but I’d be lying if I said I’d had a bad time. It’d been a great time. The best even.

My attention was drawn to a young man with black hair sneaking down a long hallway, fiddling with some sort of contraption. I couldn’t quite make out what he was doing, but it didn’t sit right with me.

My officer instincts kicked in, and I watched him carefully, trying to figure out his intentions.

“Adam, loosen up,” Laney teased, sidling up to me. “You can relax, you know. You don’t always have to look like you’re on duty. It’s just a party.”

“Can’t help it right now, Lane,” I replied, not taking my eyes off the figure down the hall. “Somethin’ seems off with that guy.”

“Which guy?” she asked, squinting in the direction I was looking.

“Black hair, over there, messin’ around in the hallway. I think he might be up to somethin’. Do you know him?”

“Uh, I’m not the best person to ask. This whole night has been full of embarrassin’ moments where I don’t recognize people I see all the time. Anyway, maybe he’s just lost,” Laney suggested, but even she sounded unconvinced.

Just as she finished speaking, a woman who’d apparently decided she was too cool to wear a mask to a masquerade entered the hallway, her fancy gown trailing behind her. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her.

More importantly, however, was that I had no idea where the mysterious kid had gone, and my gut told me that whatever he’d rigged in the hallway was meant for her.

And whether I was on duty or miles from home, I couldn’t just stand there and let it happen.

“Excuse me,” I muttered, pushing my way through the crowd, my eyes locked on the unfolding scene. “Comin’ through!”

“Adam, what are you doin’?” Laney called after me.

I didn’t have time to explain.

“Ma’am, watch out!” I shouted, trying to warn the starlet in the glimmering ball gown.

But the room was so loud that my voice barely carried, and although I was almost there when it happened… almost didn’t count.

The contraption sprung to life, and a torrent of what appeared to be gooey green paint shot out, splattering all over the woman’s dress.

Based on the way her face turned red and her eyes darted from side to side, I had a feeling the star would look back on this moment and be grateful she’d gotten sprayed with the goo in a secluded hallway and not within sight of everyone who was anyone in Nashville. I looked down, swiping at a spec of green on my arm. I’d barely missed getting hit with it myself, but the disaster of me? Something told me that kid was about to be in a world of trouble.

The singer let out a horrified shriek, her hands flailing in an attempt to shield herself from the mess.

“Sweet mother of pearl,” I muttered under my breath, taking in once pristine gown.

Then I looked around the frantic woman, but the kid who set the trap was nowhere to be found.

“What in the Sam Hill happened here?” Laney asked, her wide eyes scanning the scene. “Carissa, are you okay?”

Carissa Matthews—that was her name.

“No, I’mnotokay,” she seethed, giving Laney a look that would’ve made a less confident woman cry.