“So he could be dead, after all?” John groaned. “I could have killed him?”
“I don’t know what happened. We can’t know on these facts.”
“Should I call him?” John raised his phone. “See if he picks up?”
“No. I don’t want it in your phone records. When did you arrange this meeting?”
“Today. On the phone around three.”
“Did you call him or did he call you?”
“I called him.”
“Did you confirm in an email or text?”
“No.” John started shaking his head, upset again. “Oh man, oh man—”
“Did anybody know you were meeting him? Like Sabrina?” Sabrina was our receptionist, who was also my brother’s work wife, but it was a bad marriage.
“No, I didn’t tell her, I just said I was leaving for the day.”
“Did she make a note on the calendar, like she usually does?”
“I don’t know. How the hell would I know?”
“Were there any messages for you when you got back?”
“I didn’t go back. I went straight to Mom and Dad’s. Sabrina knew it was Dad’s birthday. We had the cake at the office, remember? She probably assumed I was going out for a gift or a card.”
I thought it made sense. The thing about a family business is that there’s no line between work and home, or between your businessand yourbusiness. Employees at Devlin & Devlin had watched me grow from childhood to incarceration, and if I could monetize my entertainment value, I’d be rich.
“John, so nobody knows you were meeting Lemaire here today?”
“Correct. You think somebody took his body, the gun, and the car?”
“It’s a possibility. Or he bounced. I’m thinking the Caymans.”
“So what do I tell Stan?”
“Who’s Stan?”
“Stan Malinowski. He owns Runstan. Remember, we met him when we were little. Dad took us to see him.”
“Oh, right.”
“Whatever, I owe Stan an opinion letter on the acquisition next week.”
“John, if this gets out, there’s not gonna be an acquisition. When a company’s accountant goes missing, that’s not a company I’d acquire. And I buy drug-dealer cars.”
“No, don’t say that. The acquisition has to go through. It’s a massive deal.”
“Look, right now we have bigger problems, and if we’re gone longer, it’ll look suspicious. I say we go home and have cake.” Since I quit drinking, I’m addicted to sugar like everybody else.
“What about Lemaire?”
“We’ll figure it out. I got this.”
“You?What’reyougonna do?”