“Never heard a thing. I was down there.”
“Do you remember the skin-patch tests, where they tested Retin-A?”
Tony nodded. “Right, I did those tests. I needed the money. My cellmate made out like a bandit. He was in the army tests.”
“What army test?” I asked, confused.
“Those were the tests where they tested those drugs. They gave him LSD. It made him see things, like big cockroaches on the walls and birds flying around. It made him crazy.”
Wait, what?“Are you sure about that?” I didn’t remember Gabby telling me about any such tests.
“Sure I’m sure. They put two trailers behind Cellblock H, and my cellie moved in there and he told me the cells were padded, like for crazy people. They watched him through a camera and they took pictures of him when he was on the drug. He said it was a bad trip.”
“Oh my God,” I said, shocked. “The army did this? Was it like MK-Ultra? The government’s mind-control experiments?”
“That’swhat it was.” Tony snapped his fingers. “I remember now.”
“Does my sister, Gabby, know about this?”
“Yes, I told her. I just keep forgetting that MK name. It was for the army or for the CIA, something like that. Guys got in those tests because they paid three hundred dollars a shot.”
“And these were administered by Dr. Kligman and his group?”
“Right, they did it all. They ran all the tests.” Tony shook his head. “When my cellie came back after those tests, he’d be acting a fool. He had to wear a badge.”
“What kind of badge?”
“A badge we called the pay-me-no-never-mind badge. Because those boys be acting so crazy the only explanation was the drugs the army gave him, or the CIA or whoever.” Tony clucked. “The army gave him dioxin, too.”
“Dioxin?Dioxin is toxic.”
“I know, they were trying to make Agent Orange. You know, like they sprayed all over the place. That’s a damnpoison. I looked it up. And another guy I know, he gotradiationinjected into him in those trailers.”
“Are you serious?” I had no idea what Tony was talking about. None of this was in our Complaint. “What kind of radiation?”
“Isotope, I think your sister told me. The army injected him.”
“My God. I didn’t know there were other tests. I thought it was only the skin-patch.”
“No, they tested a lot of things. You think this case will get me help with my doctor bills?”
“I hope so,” I answered, still trying to process what he just told me. “I’m betting on my sister. She’ll fight to make this right.”
“She your big sister?”
Tony’s expression softened. “My big sister, she passed. They’re all the same, though. Bossy.”
“Yes, but in a good way.”
“Hundred percent,” Tony said, smiling.
I called Gabby as soon as I got in the car, filling her in as I made my way through the city streets. “Is what he’s saying true, about the army and the CIA?”
“Yes, totally. Unfortunately.”