I tried to orient myself in Petco, but the layout bewildered me. There were aisles upon aisles of cans, bags, leashes, and toys for dogs, cats, fish, ferrets, and even turtles. The air smelled carnal from endcaps with rawhide rolls, sticks, and balls, next to a display of dried pig ears, elk antlers, and cow hooves, which I found horrifying.

I wandered into the nearest aisle and spotted a pretty brunette with a little black-and-white dog at the other end. I realized it was Maya Vitelli, my old almost-flame, Patrick’s niece. She looked even better off duty, with no makeup and her thick black hair down. She had on an oversize T-shirt, gym shorts, and flip-flops.

I didn’t know whether to say hello. The last time I’d seen her had been mortifying, apologizing in front of her friends for standing herup. Plus my flirting skills were rusty. Okay, covered in cobwebs. Maybe even barnacles.

“TJ?” Maya asked, turning.

She remembers my name?“Oh, hi, Maya.” I took a few steps closer. “How’s the calculus business?”

“Selling like hotcakes.” Maya smiled, and her eyes were that amazing light brown.

“Your dog’s cute.”

“Thanks. Her name’s S’mores.”

“What breed is she?”Flirt, TJ, flirt!

“Havanese. I always take her here on her birthday and let her pick out a toy.”

Aw.“Happy Birthday, S’mores.” I bent down and the dog trotted over, her round eyes rolling and her pink tongue lolling out of her mouth. I scratched her soft ear. “She’s adorable. How old is she?”


Nothing. I got nothing.

“TJ, do you have a dog?”

“No. I have a cat who barely likes me.”

“That’s hard to believe.”

Is she flirting?I didn’t know what to say. I tried not to think of Carrie anymore, though I did think of beer. But I’d stayed sober by working the program, and home group welcomed me with open arms.

“If you don’t have a dog, why are you in this aisle?”

Be funny, TJ. “I’m fleeing the scary pig’s ears.”

Maya’s eyes flared. “I know, right? Who wantsthoseon the living room floor?”

“Not me. That’s where my socks go.”

Maya chuckled. “I’m a vegetarian. Are you?”

“No, but I think about it.”I’ll give up bacon for you. Say the word.

Maya’s smile faded. “I’d ask how you are but I kind of know. I was at work the day of the shooting. I heard they tried to kill you and your family. Is your dad okay? I read he was shot.”

“He’s fine, thanks.”Nice.

“So a crooked drug company was behind it, and you brought them down?”

“Totally. I’m a hero now.”

“I knew you had it in you.”

“You did?” I asked, surprised. “How?”

“You’re funny. Funny people are smart.”