Page 42 of Behind the Camera

It’s obvious he’s attractive—everyone knows that—with a crooked smile that can make you weak in the knees. A boyish charm to the creases around his eyes and the dimples on his cheeks. In the quiet moments, though, like right now, he’s not just handsome, some hot shot football player girls across America wish they could make theirs.

He's beautiful.

Stripped down. Honest. It’s like he takes a mask off when he’s here at home. There’s a twinkle in his eye. A softness in his gaze. It’s tender, vulnerable, and a side of him I’m lucky to see.

“I appreciate the offer, but I can’t afford it. Your rent is probably five times what I pay.”

“Who said anything about paying?” Dallas asks, and the right corner of his mouth turns down. “I wouldn’t make you pay to live here.”

“Absolutely not.” I try to spin away, but he reaches out and stops me. His large hand curls around the seat so I can’t move, and I huff. “That’s not fair at all.”

“Forget the rent for a second. Would you ever consider moving in?”

“Yes, but I would never want you to feel like you couldn’t relax in your own home. If I’m here, that might make it difficult for you.”

“You’re going to have to give me more context than that, Maven. Are you going to play the drums at midnight or something?”

“No.” I blow out a breath and wring my hands together. “I just… I can’t help but notice there aren’t a lot of women in your life.”

“No,” he says slowly with a raised eyebrow. “There aren’t.”

“I didn’t know if that was because—” I swallow and look anywhere but his face. “If it was by choice.”

“It is by choice. I don’t date.”

My gaze cuts back over to him. “You don’t?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t have any time, and I have a lot on my plate with June. I’m still figuring this parenting thing out, and I don’t want her to ever feel like she’s second to someone else.”

“That… that’s a good reason.” I bob my head up and down, and I swear he smirks. “Do you do… other things?”

“Are you asking if I fuck people, Maven?” he says with a low voice.

“Yes,” I squeak out, and this is not the direction I thought our conversation would go.

“I don’t do that, either. Also by choice.”


“You sound disappointed.”

I shrug, even though my traitorous mind begins to picture Dallas with someone. His hand under her skirt and his headbetween her breasts. A soft laugh as he makes her come, sweat on both their bodies and desire pulsing through them.

“I’m indifferent,” I say.

“I’m very particular with the people I let get close to me. Women especially. But if you moved in, I wouldn’t feel like I had to sleep with my door locked. I trust you.” His voice turns gentle, the ebb of the tide as it pulls back to sea. “You’re the first person I’ve felt comfortable with in a long time. Ever, maybe. I can be myself with you and… that’s the best kind of friend I could ever want. Why wouldn’t I want you around more?”

My breath catches in my throat. The air around us feels charged and electrified when his knee presses against mine. It’s a magnetic force, because when I try to pull away, I can’t.

“Oh,” I whisper, and the gravity of his words hit me square in the chest. “You’ve become a friend of mine too. I hope you know that.”

“I do, and I’m lucky. June loves you. She’s happier when you’re here, and so am I. It can be fucking lonely being a single parent. I’ve got Reid and Maverick, but they’re young and single, and as much as they love JB, I know they don’t want to sit here every night watching Bluey. Most of the other guys my age on the team are out partying during the week. Going to the strip club after a game and getting dozens of numbers.”

“And that’s not something you’re interested in?” I ask, and a rush of heat climbs up my chest.