Page 37 of Behind the Camera

I’d go to hell and back for each one of them.

I use Sam’s shoulder to climb onto a bench so everyone can see me. “Comfortable means we’re not doing things right,” I say, and my voice projects through the locker room. “Being the best is difficult. It’s challenging and outside your comfort zone. The minute you think it’s easy, we’ve already lost.”

“Thanks, Captain,” Shawn says, and I give him a salute. “This is going to be a long year. We all know the toll it’s going to take on your physical and mental health. But when things get hard, I want you to remember this: playing the game isn’t something you have to do. It’s something yougetto do. And what a fucking gift it is, boys, to line up next to the guys who sweat and grind with you day in and day out. Millions of people would kill to be in your position, but you are the lucky ones.”

“Hell yeah,” Jett calls out, and the team hoots in agreement. “I get to play with the best offense and defense in the league. The best coaching staff and special teams. I don’t know about y’all, but three-time Super Bowl champ sounds a hell of a lot better than two-time Super Bowl champ.”

“Hands in,” I say, and everyone shuffles closer. “Our motto of the game islucky ones. On three, gentlemen. One, two, three.”

“Lucky ones,” they all yell, and I grin from ear to ear.

“Let’s get this win, boys.”

There’s a mess of grabbing gear and hitting the wall above the door on the way to the field. Of cheering and yelling, and I spot Reid in the middle of my teammates, videoing something he’ll upload to social media soon. I hang back and enjoy the high of getting ready to do something I love.

“Lansfield. You good?”

I look up from my locker. Shawn is watching me, his hands on hips and his sleeves pushed up his arms.

“I’m great.” I rifle through my bag and find my jeans. I pull out a piece of paper from the pocket and tuck it in the waistband of my athletic pants. “Let’s get this win, Coach.”

Seventy thousand fans greet me when I make it on the field for warmups, and I soak it all in.

I take my time giving out high fives to the kids waiting outside the tunnel. A member of the Titans ticket sales team thrusts a Sharpie in my hand and asks me to sign a hat. My head is on a swivel as I sort through the security guards, the physical trainers and medical staff setting up shop on the sidelines before I find who I’m looking for.

There she is.

Blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail and covered by a navy-blue hat. A white Titans polo and khaki pants that hug her legs damn well. A camera around her neck and an awed look on her face.

I jog toward Maven and stick my tongue out when she takes a picture of me.

“Photo of the game right there,” she yells over the crowd.

“Hey,” I say, and I pull her into a side hug. She’s warm from the afternoon sun, and I tap her shoulder twice before letting go. “How’s it going?”

“This is nothing like the preseason games. I’m not going to lie, I’m a little overwhelmed.”

“Only a little? Pretty sure I almost shit myself my first game,” I say, and she bursts out laughing. “Coach had to literally drag me from the bathroom.”

“It’s a bummer that wasn’t included in the Cosmo article about your hair flipping. The women would be flockingto you,” she jokes.

“I don’t need any more women. I’m pretty busy with the two I have in my life.”

“Oh?” Maven asks, and I have to lean in closer to hear her. “Are you?”

“Between you attacking me with paint and June always six seconds away from running into the coffee table in the living room, I’m closer to a heart attack than I was last year,” I say.

“That might be true, but you’re forgetting something.”

“And what’s that?”

She stands on her toes and cups her hand around my helmet. “You’re also happier than you were a year ago.”

“So much happier. Speaking of, I have something for you.” I step back and pull out the paper I tucked in my pants.

“Is it your grabbable dick? Dammit, Lansfield, we’re in public.”

“Nope. Smaller. Much smaller,” I say, and I hand her the note. “It’s from June.”