Page 35 of Behind the Camera

“In the table’s defense, you’re a one hundred and ninety pound football player,” I counter, and his chest rumbles with laughter.

We’re so close, that when he drops his forehead, it rests against mine. The paint on his skin fuses us together, and I wonder if we’re going to be stuck like this forever.

“Sorry, I—” he starts to say.

“No, that’s okay. I’m?—”

We move at the same time. I lift my hips to try and roll away just as he pushes down, and Ifeel himbetween my legs. Thick, long. Half-hard and pressing against the inside of my thigh. My breath catches and my back arches, some subconscious part of me aching to be closer to him.

“Sorry,” he says again, softer this time. It doesn’t sound much like an apology, and I wouldn’t accept it if it was.

“My fault,” I whisper back, but neither of us move.

He’s pinning me to the ground. His large body cages mine, and until he releases me, I’m stuck here.

But I’m in no hurry to leave.

Everything in me pulls tight and turns to liquid heat as I relax into him. I hear his staggered breathing. I feel his exhales on my face. I smell his cologne, and I wonder what he would taste like if I ran my tongue up the line of his throat.

It’s nice.

Too nice.

Nice enough for me to want to stay a while. Loop my arms around his neck and lift my hips again, to see how deep he could get.

“Daddy,” June says, and we both whip our heads to the side. “Smoochy kiss.”

“Oh, no, June Bug,” Dallas says hurriedly. He tries to get off me now, but my leg is hooked around his thigh and his hand is tangled in one of my braids. “We’re not?—”

“Mae Mae is hurt,” she says with the stomp of her foot. “Kiss and make it better.”

“She’s not going to stop,” he mumbles. “Maybe I should just…”

I nod, vaguely aware of my surroundings. I bite my bottom lip as our eyes meet. “It’s okay. You, uh, can.”

His attention moves to my mouth, and he lets out a soft sound that’s reminiscent of a tortured moan. “Forehead?”

“Sure,” I say, a little breathless. It feels like I’m floating, walking on the clouds toward something I can’t quite see yet. “That’s good.”

He hums. The hand in my hair moves down and cups my cheek with alarming care. He tips his chin down, and his lips dance over my forehead.

It’s faint. Hardly long enough to be considered a kiss in the first place, but there’s still bursts of color when he pulls away. When his eyes dance across my face and his smile hooks up on the right side of his mouth, pleased with what he sees, my cheeks burn as hot as the sun.

“Not just good,” he murmurs, and his voice is deeper than I’ve ever heard it. “Fucking perfect.”

I have to get out of this position before I combust.

“Yay,” June says. I look up and see her holding a half-full can of paint. “I win.”

Before I can register what’s happening, she dumps what’s left of the blue on us and drenches our heads.

I cackle. I laugh so hard tears prick my eyes and my lungs gasp for air. “Oh my god. She’s so smart.”

“June Marigold Lansfield,” Dallas says. He pushes off of me and rolls onto his back, grabbing his daughter by the waist and lifting her in the air with one arm. She squeals with glee, and I love that sound. “You are in big trouble.”

“Sorry, Daddy. I said I win.”

“You definitely win, JB,” I say, and I stretch my arm out to my side. My fingers brush against Dallas’s free hand, and when I go to pull away, his pinky hooks around mine, keeping me in place.