Page 127 of Behind the Camera

“Relax. I’m just giving you a hard time. Aiden is fine.” He grins and clasps my shoulder. “What do you want to drink?”

“Water would be great. Can I help with anything?”

“You can sit down and get off your feet.” Aiden points to the chair at the end of the island. “You have a big game today.”

“Dad has you on his fantasy football team,” Maven explains, and I laugh. “The more points you get him, the more he’ll like you.”

“I’m going for at least six field goals today then,” I say.

Everyone jumps into action to get the turkey carved and the stuffing in a serving dish. Maven and I set the dining room table and Lacey pulls two pies out of the oven. The potatoes we brought are added to the buffet line, and just as the clock strikes eleven-thirty, we dig in.

“These potatoes are amazing,” Maggie says. “Maven, you made these?”

I snort into a bite of green bean casserole. “She wishes she did. Your daughter is not great in the kitchen, Aiden.”

“No, she’s not. Never has been. She started a fire once. I walked out of the room for eight seconds and came back to flames.” He laughs and takes a sip of his wine. “She has other strengths.”

“Like stealing candy necklaces?” I ask innocently, and a foot kicks my shin. “Hey. Don’t injure the NFL player.”

“Don’t be a d-i-c-k,” Maven says sweetly.

“I forgot about the candy necklace. Being a girl dad is tough, man.” He pauses and looks at his daughter. “But it’s also the best thing in the world.”

I lift my glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

“Speaking of best things in the world, we started a tradition a couple of years ago,” Shawn says. “We go around the table and say one thing we’re grateful for. It doesn’t have to be long-winded. Just a reminder about how good life can be, you know.” His eyes bounce to me. “You don’t have to join if you don’t want to.”

“No way. I’d love to join. Just don’t make me go first.”

Gratitude gets tossed around. Words like health. Family. Love. Patience. Some come with a small story. A reason for why. Others don’t. And when it’s my turn, I know exactly what I’m going to say.

“First, thank you for having me and June here. Family is important to me, and to be surrounded by one so full of love and appreciation for each other is a gift. If I had to pick one thing I’m thankful for this year, it would be Maven,” I say, and her mouth pops open. “I’m not just saying that because of present company or trying to get in anyone’s good graces, but because it’s the truth. I didn’t know what the start of this season would look like as far as my playing career went, and the only reason I still get to wear a jersey this afternoon is because of her. Fantasy points or record-breaking field goals wouldn’t be possible without her.”

Under the table, she rests her hand on my thigh. She squeezes my leg and bites her bottom lip. “I’m thankful for the right things coming along at exactly the right time,” she says softly.

“I’m thankful for ice cream!” June yells, and the heavy moment breaks when everyone laughs.

“What kind of ice cream, June?” Maven asks.


“Good choice, kid,” Lacey agrees.

I grin and set my napkin on my empty plate. When I glance across the table, I see Shawn watching me.

There’s a look in his eyes I’ve only seen a handful of times, and none of them were good. It’s like there are little daggers behind his gaze, and it sends a shiver down my spine.

It feels like we might have just gotten caught.



“I can’t believewe’re starting off December with a loss,” I say to Cassidy as we put our camera equipment away. “How do we go from winning on Thanksgiving by thirty-five to losing by twenty today?”

“Jett’s going to be pissed,” she says under her breath. “He’s been in a slump lately. I don’t know what’s going on. Ever since he’s taken in his brother, his stress management has gone to shit. It’s not going to get much better after this game. We’ve lost more this season than in the last two years combined. The media is going to crucify him.”

“Has he talked to anyone? The team psychologist? Shawn?” I ask.