Page 71 of Behind the Camera

“He’s something,” I say, and the words catch in my throat.

I busy myself and adjust my camera lens. I scan the field and watch the Titans offense huddle together. They win the coin toss and elect to receive.

“What are you hiding?” Cassidy asks.

“I’m not hiding anything.”

“Bullshit.” She elbows my side and smiles. “You’re hooking up with him, aren’t you?”

“Sh,” I hiss, and I look around to make sure no one is listening. I breathe a sigh of relief when I realize we’re alone. “I’m not hooking up with him.”

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve been dating Jett for four years. The rules are such bullshit, and I hate that we have to keep it on the down low.”

“I’m sorry,what?” I gape at her. “I’ve never even seen you two talk to each other and you’re telling me you’re sleeping together?”

“Frequently.” Cassidy grins. “Football players are so fun, minus the bureaucratic stuff that comes with being involved with them. How does a team photographer have any impact on what the quarterback is doing on the field? It’s not my fault if he throws an interception.”

“That’s so true, but Dallas has always been a rule follower. I don’t think he’d go against his moral code just to sleep with me. He can find that release somewhere else.”

“I’m sure he can, but never say never. That boy can’t stop looking at you.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask, and lower my camera.

Cassidy gestures to the group of players standing on the sidelines. I sort through the defensive linemen and medical staff until I find Dallas. He’s glancing our way. His eyes bore into me like he’s tracking my every movement, and my heart skips a beat when he lifts his arm and waves.

My lungs constrict and it’s difficult to take a deep breath when his lips twitch into a silly little grin. I wave back, distinctly aware that while he should be paying attention to the field, he’s paying attention to me instead.

Something else that’s new this season.

“It’s not the first time, either,” she adds.

I’ve worked a few games with her, and I know I can trust Cassidy. She shows up to work, does her job and minds her own business. Whatever secrets I want to protect won’t end up being whispered to anyone else if I tell her, and it might be good to get them off my chest.

“There’s something happening with Dallas, but I’m not sure what to call it,” I explain. “We know it can’t happen, yet we’re both getting really bad at trying to stop it.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t try to stop it. The heart wants what the heart wants, right? Besides, if you’re the reason he has more pep in his step this season, then keep doing whatever you’re doing. It’s working. Live your life, Maven. If that means doing it with the hot football player that’s looking at you like you’re his source of oxygen, I’m only going to cheer you on.”

I laugh and my shoulders relax. I’m glad I have someone I can talk to about this. “Thanks for your support, Cass. I’m not sure the members of management would agree, but I’m grateful for your stamp of approval.”

“What are coworkers you see once a week for?” she laughs. “Looks like we’re finally getting this overtime period underway.”

“Do you ever worry about Jett out there?” I ask. I squat and bring my camera to my face. “He takes some nasty hits.”

“I do, but I remind myself he’s been hit a thousand times before. His protective equipment always works, and the trainers we have are the best in the business.”

“True.” I groan when Jett gets sacked and loses three yards on the play. “Dammit. Come on, guys.”

We watch the second down result in a pickup of only a yard, and the Titans offense is facing third and twelve well past the fifty-yard line. Out of the corner of my eye, I spy Dallas warming up into his practice net. He doesn’t look the least bit phased, and I admire his ability to stay calm under pressure.

He’s exactly the same way as a parent, too.

“Dallas can kick far, but this would be too long even for him,” Cassidy says. “And a field goal doesn’t win it. The Grizzlies would still get possession.”

“He’d probably like to try after last week. He was really beating himself up, and he blamed himself for the loss. Such bullshit,” I mumble under my breath, and she hums in agreement.

“Because it’s easy to cheer for people when they’re successful. Everyone has to—hell yeah!Go, Jett, go,” Cassidy yells, and we jump to our feet.

We watch as Jett evades a defender. He fakes left then goes right, finding an open route up the center of the play. His linemen and guards keep the Grizzlies defense away from him, and there’s nothing but wide-open field ahead.