Page 7 of Behind the Camera

She’s just as much theirs as she is mine, and I don’t think I would’ve made it to this point without them by my side.

“Yeah, maybe. But I don’t want to be pulled into a principal’s office and get lectured on how my kid is dropping four letter curse words before she can spell her own name.” I turn my attention to Reid. “Do you need help with social media?”

“I’m out of ideas for fresh, new content. Everything is overused at this point,” he explains.

“What about a player takeover?” Maverick suggests. “A day in the life thing. Or have fans send in questions and let the players answer them. Someone commented on our TikTok the other day and asked which of our teammates we’d let our sister date, and it was hysterical. Our social media girl turned it into a whole video.”

“That’s actually really smart,” I agree.

Reid grabs a napkin from the stack in the center of the table. He pulls an honest to god pen out from behind his ear and starts jotting down notes. “Brilliant, Mav. What else do you have?”

“Nothing, but Dallas can be the first installment.” Maverick gives me a smug grin. “He’s thoughtful, and I’m sure he’dloveto help out his friend.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Come on,” Reid says. “I’ll monitor the questions and only ask the appropriate ones. Please? Everyone loves you. You have that southern charm, and Cosmo voted you the hottest NFL player. We could use that to our advantage.”

“There’s a hottest NFL player award? And they pickedme?” I stare at him.

“They love your dimples,” Reid adds, and he bursts out laughing. “And there was a comment about how you flip your hair when you take off your helmet.”

“I do not flip my hair.” I narrow my eyes. “You’re messing with me.”

“Our handsome boy.” Maverick pinches my cheek, and I bat him away. “First up, a Cosmo article. Next, People’sSexiest Man Alive. We need to start a campaign.”

“Y’all are full of it.”

“Come on, Dal,” Reid says. “It would be fun. People love stuff like this, and our posts with players always score more engagement.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Fine. But leave June Bug out of it.”

Reid pumps his fist in the air. “Yes. Thanks, Dal. You’re the best.”

“I don’t know why you’re so secretive about your life.” Maverick spears a bite of mac and cheese on his fork and hands it to June. “You’re the All-American guy. You come from a small town and work hard. You have the world’s cutest daughter, and you’re a Super Bowl champion. The personal ad practically writes itself. What is there to hide?”

“I don’t want a personal ad, and I don’t want to invite people into the conversation about my life.” I shrug and finish off my beer. “Interviewing me seems like a lot of fuss for a video on the internet.”

“I’m not only interviewing you,” Reid says. “I’m going to do this with everyone on the team. You won’t have to share your deepest, darkest secret. Just your favorite dessert.”

“Ice cream!” June says, and we all laugh.

“Ice cream is the best.” Maverick lifts her from her booster seat with one tattooed arm and pulls her into his lap. “What do you say, JB? Should Daddy help out Uncle Reid?”

“Please don’t call me Daddy,” I say.

“Nah. I’m definitely going to call you Daddy every chance I get.”

“Yes.” June nods and claps, obviously elated by the attention. “Daddy help.”

“You heard the girl.” Maverick tosses her in the air and catches her. “You’re required to do it now.”

“Fine. Come up with some questions, Reid, and I’ll answer them after practice one day.”

“Thanks, man.” He clasps my shoulder and smiles. “You’re the best.”

I stand up and take June from Maverick, bouncing her against my hip. “I should get going. I’m meeting with Shawn tomorrow before practice to see if he’s had any luck in finding me a nanny.”

“You’re still looking?” Maverick asks. “This has to be a new record.”