I hate a tease. If you have info... spill!!
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If there were any REAL journalists left in the mainstream media they’d be looking into the stepfather, that’s all I’m saying because I don’t want to get SUED.
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What did happen to Nina’s father? Why wasn’t there an investigation when he disappeared? That’s fucked up.
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I think it’s weird that she didn’t at least put on a clean shirt before coming to beg for her daughter’s life. I mean. I know she had a lot on her mind but it seems to me that’s just something you’d do.
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It’s not about policing looks, okay? I’m just asking a question.
This whole story is a red flag. They want to distract you from what’s really going on and make you beleeve that all men are not to be trusted. Look deeper and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Nina Fraser is an actress. She’s not a real person. Ask yourself whose behind this story? Why is it all over the internet? Whose pushing this thing?
[16 ]
It went on and on. Hate, hot takes, and nonsense. Very little of it was about Nina. Most of it seemed to be about Leanne or me.
“It’s getting worse,” Lee said. “I looked around before I came back downstairs. This is just one video, but there are others. And Julie Bradley’s campaign on Facebook is really taking off. That page has twenty-two thousand followers and it’s growing really fast, but most of the comments are... not supportive. They’re like this. Horrible.”
I looked down at her screen again. “People aren’t going to believe this, are they?” That shit about Nina being a little girl when Lee and I got together. I felt sick.
Leanne took a sip of wine. “Grace got some horrible messages today. I told her to turn off her phone.”
“What kind of messages?”
“Some of them were from ‘friends.’” She used her fingers to make quote marks in the air. “Girls who said how sorry they were about Nina, and that they were worried about Grace. One girl came right out and asked Grace if she felt safe at home. With you.”
I stared at her.
She shook her head. “I don’t know. People are messed up.”
For a minute I couldn’t speak. I drank more wine. “Maybe we shouldn’t have let Julie go online with everything. Do you think that was a mistake?”
Lee looked exhausted. “I think there’s nothing wrong with asking people’s help to find out the truth.” She paused. “You know we can’t just sit here and wait, Andy. We’re her parents. She’s our daughter.”
We were talking about everything except what really mattered. I took her hand.
“Everything you said. About the dog, and the cleaning, and Simon. You’re telling me that you think he killed her. You think that Nina’s dead.”
Leanne sat very still for a long time, and then she slowly shook her head.
“We have to have hope,” she said.