Wes and Wade, twin brothers whom Maire had met in Freshman Rhetoric, were also at the bonfire. They were easygoing and always up to some mischief. Maire couldn’t help but shake her head as she watched the two toss firecrackers into the bonfire and laugh drunkenly over the mini explosions.
Then there was Samuel, a political science major whom Maire had met through Lina. He was smart, tall, and handsome. He was also presently dating Lina, so Maire knew he was off-limits. She couldn’t help but envy her best friend a little bit. In addition to being cute and off-the-charts smart, Samuel was genuinely nice.
“Jesus, Maire,” Damon said, using a stick to bat around a pine cone like a hockey puck, “could you look more miserable?”
“Not miserable,” Maire said lightly, “just cold. It’s freezing.”
“And is that paint in your hair?” Figgy asked, squinting to get a better look.
Reflexively, Maire’s mittened fingers flew to her hair, most of which was stuffed beneath a stocking cap. Damon laughed.
She wasn’t going to let Figgy get to her tonight. And why was Damon even with her? He knew what she was like. He knew what Figgy had done to her. Unless maybe he actually believed the lie.
And how did Figgy manage to look so perfectly put together despite the brutal cold? Her blond hair was artfully arranged beneath her cashmere hat, her skin flawless while Maire’s was already red and wind-burned.
“If it doesn’t involve a camera or watercolors, Maire isn’t interested. Right, Maire?” Lina said, leaning into Samuel. Maire tried to tamp down the flare of jealousy that sizzled through her when Lina’s fingers slid into the back pockets of Samuel’s jeans.
“I’m sorry,” Maire said, taking another swig from the flask. “Just not a fan of heights. Looking over the bluff threw me off.”
“Don’t worry, we’d save you,” Lina said, affectionately. “And come on, relax for one night. Forget about school and your darkroom.”
“Be nice,” Samuel said congenially. “It’s good that Maire knows what she wants to do with her life.”
“You mean unlike me?” Lina said, looking up at Samuel, her forehead creased with hurt. “You know it’s okay to not know what you want to do with your life when you’re twenty years old.”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that,” Samuel said with a sigh.
“Why did you even invite her if she’s going to just sit there like a sad sack?” Damon asked, smacking the pine cone toward the fire but hitting Maire in the chest instead. It didn’t hurt but she was starting to get pissed. What had Figgy been telling him about Maire?
“Because if it weren’t for me,” Lina said, “Maire wouldn’t come out of the darkroom. And, she’s my best friend, aren’t you, Maire?”
“Yeah, so was I for a while,” Figgy said. “I’d watch out if I were you, Lina. Maire likes her boyfriends already spoken for.” Figgy cast a knowing look at Samuel.
“You know that isn’t what happened,” Maire said sharply. She didn’t want to rehash ancient history with Figgy, but she was getting tired of just sitting back and taking her abuse. She moved away from the group, her head swimming from the alcohol, and promptly slipped on an icy spot, landing dangerously close to the bluff’s drop-off.
“Careful, Maire,” Figgy called out. “We’d hate to see you go over the side.”
Face burning, Maire got to her feet just in time to see Damon and the twins exchange mischievous glances and, before she knew it, they were upon her. The twins grabbed her legs while Damon grabbed her arms and carried her to the edge of the bluff.
Maire screamed in protest, trying to wiggle free. They held tight, their fingers digging into her wrists and ankles. In unison, they swung her like a pendulum back and forth. Below her, Maire could see the hardpack snow atop the bluff shift to the lake, a sharp drop two hundred feet below.
What if they lost their grip on her? Fear formed a hard lump in her throat and Maire could no longer make a sound.
“Heave, ho,” Figgy cried and Maire could hear Lina’s unmistakable laugh in the background. Even Lina had turned on her to join in on the fun.
“Hey, stop it,” Samuel said, snagging Maire by the waist and stopping the momentum. Damon and the twins dropped her unceremoniously to the hard ground below and the air was forced from her lungs, leaving her momentarily stunned. “Stop being assholes,” Samuel said, helping Maire to her feet. “You okay?” he asked.
Tears stung Maire’s eyes, but she nodded. Was she being that bad? She wasn’t being particularly chatty, but it wasn’t like she was trying to sabotage the night. She was here, wasn’t she?
No, it was Figgy. If Figgy wasn’t here, no one would be acting this way.
“I’m fine,” Maire said, picking up the flask that had fallen from her pocket. “I’m going for a walk.”
“Maire,” Lina said, drawing out her name like she was talking to a small, unreasonable child. “We’re just teasing. Don’t go, it’s too cold.”
“No, let her go,” Figgy said. “It’ll be more fun.”
“I’m fine,” Maire said. “I’m just going to look at the lake. I’ll be back in a while.”