“Relax.” Mick laid a hand on her hip. “We’re getting married. He’s going to have to get used to it.”
She smiled. “Yes, but we’ll need to be more cognizant of the time.”
He smiled back, reaching for his shorts.
“Go on and clean up,” she said, hurriedly pulling on her clothes. “I’ll go make breakfast and you can feed him while I shower.”
She walked into the hallway and rolled her eyes when Raegan smirked at her.
“So things are going good?”
“Definitely.” Lena smirked back.
“Mihalis didn’t know what to do when he couldn’t find you.”
“Sorry if he woke you.”
“It’s no problem,” Raegan followed her into the kitchen amiably. “He and I are buddies.”
Lena smiled. “He’s a good kid.”
“Thea Lena!” Mihalis fixed her with a defiant look. “Where were you?”
“I was talking to Mick—were you scared?”
“No.” He made a face. “But I’m hungry.”
“Yes, please,” she corrected with a smile.
“Yes, please.”
“I need to learn Greek,” Raegan muttered. “This is no fun at all.”
“You want egg?” Mihalis asked in broken English, holding one out.
“How do you say it in Greek?” Raegan grinned.
“Av-yo,” she repeated obediently.
“I’m down for an av-yo too,” Mick said, joining them with a grin. “Morning, big guy.”
“I am big?” Mihalis asked, eyeing him.
“You sure are.” Mick spoke to Mihalis even as he leaned over and pressed his lips to the back of Lena’s neck.
“You want eggs too?” she asked, smiling up at him.
“I’ll make coffee,” Raegan said.