Page 78 of London Fog

“Do I?”

Percy wouldn’t have answered if he thought Wren was fishing just to feed his ego, but he could tell that wasn’t it. He leaned in and kissed him, soft and steady, hoping Wren could taste all the promises Percy was willing to make.

“Yes, you do. You deserve patience and grace and kindness. You deserve space to create your own comfort in who you are. And you deserve a partner who accepts that about you. I don’t mind if we won’t be like everyone else. I’ve had what most people have, and it’s dreadful.”

Wren’s lips twitched, and then he burst into laughter. “I love the way you speak. Never lose that. Please.”

Percy rolled his eyes. “Like a posh twat? I doubt I will. I’m too old now.”

Wren growled, then lifted his body and rolled Percy onto his back, pinning him and kissing him over and over and over, until Percy felt like all his jagged, torn edges were coming back together. “I’m never going to let you go,” Wren whispered.

Percy closed his eyes against that confession, and this time, for the first time, he felt it.

And he believed.


Wren had no idea why he felt so damn nervous, but he appreciated having Mila on his hip because taking care of a baby was wholly and completely distracting. And it was a nice reminder of why he never, ever wanted to do the whole kid thing. Being the fun uncle was fulfilling enough.

He bounced her on his hip, making her laugh, and he had to dodge her billionth attempt to yank off his processors. Normally he just let her go at it, but he liked to have them on when he was in public with her. Wren had never been the best at situational awareness, and he didn’t want literally everyone in the café to murder him in his bed if anything happened to their little princess.

He kissed her cheek, making her giggle again, and then he slipped in through the doors of the community center. He didn’t hang out there often—or ever. He’d done community karate classes when he was a kid, but the instructors were so freaked-out that something would happen to his CIs that they never let him do anything fun.

Eventually, he got bored and stopped going, and his parents quit pushing the issue when he dug his heels in. But he wasn’t there for himself.

He followed the little wall map until he got to the classroom, and his heart began to beat so hard he could feel it in his ears. Why the fuck was he nervous? It was just Percy, and this wasn’t even really a date because actual dating made him feel like he was swallowing live ants.

But when he’d carefully, and reluctantly, brought up the idea of pushing through it to romance him, Percy had pulled a face, then kissed him until Wren was pinned beneath his big, gorgeous body. “Not interested,” Percy murmured against his lips. “I’ve done the wine-and-dine rubbish. Pick something you like to do for fun, and let’s do that instead.”

Once again, Wren was overwhelmed with his lover. Not his boyfriend, but his beloved. A man who transcended labels and epithets. He was Wren’s forever, and he felt so solid fear couldn’t break through the walls.

But he was still nervous because for the first time ever, he actually cared.

He maneuvered his phone out of his pocket and saw class had ended five minutes before, so he pushed the door open and blinked when he saw three men sitting around the tables, signing very slowly, obviously for Percy’s benefit.

One was Luke, and the way his friend had come around was honestly surprising because Luke had been adamant that no hearing person ever be allowed in his little circle. But after their rough start, Luke had taken Percy in like he was his actual brother—which was, in all honesty, Luke’s usual personality.

The second person, though, was one Wren was thrilled to see. Luke’s dad, Ellison, who had basically appointed himself everyone’s dad. He was sixty-three years young, as he liked to tell it. He was divorced, had four dogs, and was one of the kindest men Wren had ever met.

Ellis lit up the moment he looked over and saw Wren and Mila, and he was on his feet before Wren could blink. He made a deep-chested noise of happiness, which made Mila laugh and kick her feet, and he swept her into his arms, giving her loud, smacking kisses.

Luke rolled his eyes. “Thanks,” he signed bitterly.

Wren threw up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t do anything.”

“His baby fever is out of control. He’s been sending Ananda articles on fertility,” Luke said, then mimed hanging himself.

Percy, who clearly hadn’t followed all of that, stared with wide eyes. His hands twitched like he wanted to ask what was going on, so Wren swept over and kissed him firmly on the lips. “Baby fever,” he muttered aloud. “Killing Luke.”

Percy nodded when Wren had pulled back and Luke could see him again. “He can borrow my niece too.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Please don’t encourage him.”

Wren laughed and turned back to Ellis, who was staring at Wren with shining eyes. He beckoned him close with an impatient hand, and Wren let himself be pulled close and hugged. He didn’t see Ellis as often these days, but he remembered what it had been like the first time he met a father who loved just for the sake of loving. A man who would have been proud of his child regardless if they were Deaf or hearing or queer or straight. Whether they chose to sell handmade woven baskets on Etsy or worked as a high-earning lawyer.

He didn’t give a shit. He just…cared. It took Wren a long, long time to understand what love without conditions felt like, even if he loved his found family with that same ferocity. He smiled and closed his eyes for a long blink when Ellis gave him a fond pat on the cheek.

“Your boyfriend is cute,” he signed when Wren was looking again.