Page 76 of London Fog

Please, he wanted to beg. Please, please, please touch me. Please fuck me. Please don’t leave me.

“I’m here. I’m here,” Wren said, and Percy realized his internal monologue was mindlessly tripping over his tongue and past his lips. Wren cupped his balls and lifted them, laying a hot kiss to the heavy sac. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Percy groaned, spreading his legs a little wider, and it didn’t take long for Wren to apply his mouth where he’d promised. His tongue was hot and wet, torturing Percy’s hole with little kitten licks that were slowly driving him mad. Then, with each breath, Wren’s tongue burrowed a little deeper. And a little deeper.

When his face was fully buried in Percy’s ass, his eyes slammed shut and darkness took over. He was a mess of emotions and the physical proof of how much Wren wanted him. Maybe it wouldn’t last. Wren’s confession had been everything Percy had wanted to hear. His words were pretty, and his passion couldn’t be denied, but it would be a while before Percy found himself able to trust.

But they had time. Bloody hell, they had all the time in the world, and if this was how they occupied it, Percy sure as shit wouldn’t be complaining.

“Good,” Wren grunted as Percy squirmed against his face. “Fuck, baby. You’re so good, so perfect, so beautiful.”

Somehow, Percy flushed even hotter, and he let go of the bed, pressing his hands to his face. His cock was throbbing, aching, desperate to release, but he wasn’t anywhere near close enough. “Wren,” he sobbed. “Please.”

“What do you need, baby? Tell me.” Wren loomed over him, gently pulling Percy’s hands from his face.

“You wanted me to beg. I’m begging. I need to come. Please, please make me come.”

Wren traced a touch over Percy’s lips, then pushed it past his teeth, along the center of his tongue until he gagged. Percy’s eyes went foggy with tears, but he could see the hungry look on Wren’s face.

“Love the way you say that word,” Wren murmured.

Percy managed to get a trembling hand against his chest, and he signed it. ‘Please. Please. Please.’

Wren groaned, then pulled back and yanked Percy up with him and quickly urged him around. Percy attempted to rest on his hands and knees, but Wren pushed until he was flat on his stomach, his cock grinding against the duvet.

Percy pushed his face into the fabric and let out a chest-deep moan. It was still not enough, still not what he needed. He sucked in a breath when Wren shoved his legs further apart, and then two wet fingers dragged over his hole. They pulsed lightly until Percy felt like he was going to lose his actual mind with the anticipation, and then they were inside him.

Relief rushed through him, and Percy rocked his hips downward as Wren gently prepped him, spreading his fingers wide like he was watching how far he could make Percy gape. He fingered him with firm, sure strokes until Percy was shaking again, and then he pulled away.

The feeling of being empty was almost too much. Percy opened his mouth to beg more, but before he could make a sound, he felt the head of Wren’s cock pushing against him.

“Hold. Just like that,” Wren ordered.

Percy couldn’t have moved even if he’d wanted to. He was pinned by Wren’s body, paralyzed by his cock. All he could do was lie there and take it, and fuck, if that wasn’t the best feeling in the world, he didn’t know what was. The moment Wren pushed all the way inside, Percy was lost to the ecstasy of it.

Wren’s fat dick filled him so completely, and with a single push, his angle nailed his prostate, sending sparks of pleasure ripping through him. Percy’s mouth opened on a wordless cry as his back arched, and Wren caught him by the hair, holding him in that position.

“Like that, gorgeous? Does my good boy like lying here, fucking his needy cock against the sheets?”

Percy’s eyes let out a few tears he’d been holding on to, and at the sight of them, Wren groaned and started fucking him harder.

“Fuck, look at you. Just look at you, all spread out for me and fucking helpless, and so goddamn good. How the hell anyone ever let you go is beyond me,” Wren said, sounding like he was speaking through clenched teeth. His grip on Percy’s hair was just enough pain to keep Percy grounded as he was railed into the mattress, and it didn’t take long before his balls began to ache.

“I’m…I need…”

“What? To come? Gonna nut all over my bed?” Wren asked as he ground Percy harder into the mattress.

Percy felt his control tense and then eventually snap. The drag of the sheets and the pressure shouldn’t have been enough, but the snap of Wren’s hips and his tormented prostate sent him flying over the edge. His body went boneless, then tensed, shuddering with his release as Wren let him fall forward.

Percy’s mouth opened against the pillow, groaning almost soundlessly as he came and came and came. Somewhere, in the back of his head, he felt the way Wren’s cock thickened, the way his ass filled with the heat of the other man’s come, but he couldn’t focus on anything except the tendrils of pleasure that were still wrapping around him.

It felt like it took an eternity before he could breathe again, and another one after that before he could move. Wren was still pressed on top of him, his softening cock still buried in Percy’s ass. He could feel the crinkle of the condom now, and Wren must have noticed at the same time because he groaned, then reached between them to hold it steady as he pulled out.

Percy shuddered at the sensation, and his stomach felt odd and hollow at how empty he was. He hated it. He attempted to curl in on himself, but he couldn’t seem to move. Everything felt all wrong, and dark, and cold.

His throat went tight, and his eyes were hot behind his eyelids.

“I—” he attempted, but the rest was all just…noise.