Page 72 of London Fog

Wren nearly jumped half a foot when Percy’s voice came from behind him, and he spun around, almost giddy being able to lay eyes on him. His heart hurt over what he’d seen with Derek, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from begging for a chance to explain.

“I didn’t kiss Derek,” Percy blurted before Wren had a chance to speak.

Wren had to take a moment to be sure he heard Percy correctly. “Are you a mind reader now?”

Percy laughed softly. “You know I’m not. I’m the furthest thing. But I know it’s been bothering you, and I spoke with Ravi. I swear I wasn’t kissing him. He was just giving me a hug.”

“Because I hurt you,” Wren said.

“No. Because I was hurting, and things were getting complicated. You only hurt me when you ended it and wouldn’t tell me why.”

“And I could have saved us time and heartache if I’d just asked you if I’d really seen what I thought I did,” Wren said.

Percy stared at him for a long beat. “I hope you don’t expect me to argue that.”

Wren let out a strained laugh. “No,” he signed, then dropped his hands to his sides. “No. I know what I should have done. I know that I panicked because you made me feel things that I didn’t think I could. And it felt so unfair.”

“Because liking me means doubting who you thought you were,” Percy said—not quite a question, but not a statement either.

Wren licked his lips. “I learned that I’m complicated. That I…I guess I’m straddling a bunch of different worlds. I’m aromantic, but I’m grey. I like you, and I’m definitely going to fall in love with you if we can fix this between us. I close my eyes and see a long future with you, and the last thing I want to do is ruin that because I don’t want to live without you.”

Percy’s lips parted, and though Wren couldn’t hear it, he saw his lungs expand sharply.

Wren wasn’t done. “I’m also Deaf, and I love my community and my culture, but I really like the sound of your voice. I love when I can hear you gasping and moaning my name.”

“Shitting hell,” Percy said.

Wren grinned softly. “I also like music, and the sound of birds, and your cute British accent.”

Percy’s cheeks pinked, and he took a step forward. “Is it wrong if I say I like yours?”

“I want you to like everything about me,” Wren admitted. “My hands when I’m signing, my voice when I speak, my body when I press you into the mattress, my cock when I fuck you.”

Percy moaned, and just before he went limp, Wren darted forward and caught him. He pulled him into the office with one arm around his waist, his free hand slamming the door shut.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” Wren said. The words almost felt like a warning, but the look on Percy’s face said he wasn’t taking them that way. He put up no fight at all when Wren pressed him to the door, gripped him hard by the chin, then slotted their lips together.

He couldn’t hear Percy’s moan—it was too deep in his chest—but he felt the rush of air and the vibrations against his skin. Percy sucked on his tongue, then tangled it with his own, his strong hands gripping Wren’s waist like it was the only thing keeping him upright.

“We…my office…cops…”

Wren pulled back. “I missed almost all of that.”

“We can’t do this in my office,” Percy said. “Someone will see us and call the cops.”

That was the last thing he wanted to deal with. “Skip class tonight. I’ll tell Luke it was my fault.”

Percy looked torn. He eased Wren back, then lifted his hands. “I’m learning. I need this class.”

“I’ll teach you,” Wren signed back with a wicked grin.

Percy rolled his eyes and grabbed Wren by the wrists, pressing a kiss to the center of each palm. “I know you will,” he said aloud, looking up into Wren’s eyes. “But I can’t use the things you say to me with my niece.”

“But you can use them with me,” Wren voiced back. He dislodged Percy’s grip and signed, “Learn for me too.”

“I am,” Percy answered with his hands. “I’m trying. I want to be good for you.”

Wren took that with every meaning he possibly could. Good with his language, and with his family, and in his life. And good for Wren when he was on his knees and obeying every single order. His cock throbbed in his pants. “I will do anything you want if you skip class tonight. I can’t let you go right now, Perce. I feel like I’m losing my mind,” he begged aloud.