Page 45 of London Fog

He glanced down at himself, then back up at Wren, who was now holding the tea and the shirt. He pressed the tips of his fingers to his chin and pulled them down. ‘Thanks.’

Wren smiled and shook his head as he tossed the soiled shirt across the room, then set the tea down. He looked uncertain for a moment, and then he dropped his ass to the coffee table and let their knees knock together.

“Was he your date?”

Percy flushed so hotly he almost got dizzy. “Absolutely not. I was out with friends having a pint when Derek invited him to sit with us.” Percy licked his lips and glanced away, though he could feel Wren’s piercing gaze locked on his lips. “He kept putting his hand on my thigh.”

“Disgusting,” Wren spat, then stopped, and his face fell. “Not you. Putting my hands all over you was one of the best things I’ve ever gotten to do. I just meant?—”

“I know,” Percy said, reaching for Wren and grazing fingers along the back of his wrist. “I know what you meant.”

Wren let out a nervous laugh. “Sorry. I’m…I saw you with them. I saw you laughing with them, and I felt like shit, and then I saw your face when you came out of the bathroom, and I knew something was wrong. I should have beat the fuck out of him.”

“He seems like the kind of bloke who’d press charges, so I’m glad you didn’t.”

“What did you call him?” Wren asked with a frown.

Percy lifted his hand and spelled, ‘BLOKE. Man.’

“Right. British words,” Wren said with a wry grin.

‘I’ll learn more ASL soon,’ Percy signed. ‘Then you won’t get confused.’

‘You’re already doing amazing,’ Wren signed back slowly so Percy could absorb every motion. ‘Luke says you’re…’

Percy missed the last bit, but he let himself believe it was a compliment because Luke had been so kind about his progress lately. ‘Thanks.’

Wren nodded, but his smile faded, and he dropped his hands to hang between them. “Did he hurt you?”

Percy shook his head, feeling a huge wave of relief that he could say that with utter and complete honesty. “He reminded me of my ex—he didn’t seem to want to take no for an answer, and it scared me a little. And I’m furious about what he said to you and a little nervous that I might have to cause a scene if Derek tries to take Dan’s side the next time I see him.”

“Yeah, no. I should have beat the shit out of him,” Wren growled.

“It wouldn’t have been necessary. I wasn’t going to let him do anything. I was getting ready to leave the bar. I’m absolutely bloody through with men who take things from me I’m not willing to give.”

Wren blinked, and a look of devastation crossed his face so profoundly Percy went into an immediate panic. He acted without thinking, leaning forward and taking Wren’s face between his palms.

“Not you,” he said roughly. “Christ, not you. Never you. I’ve been wondering if there’s something deeply wrong with me because as terrified as I’ve been for all these years to let someone close, the moment you’re near me, I want to drop to my knees and tear myself open.”

“Fucking hell,” Wren said, curling his hands around Percy’s wrists. Instead of pulling them away, he held them tighter. “You can’t just say that. Not when I?—”

Silence fell.

Then Percy cracked. “Not when you what?”

“When I want to put you there, on your knees, at my feet. Not when I want to give you orders because watching you be so good—so obedient—lets me feel like I can breathe again.”

Percy’s eyes fell shut, and he took in a trembling breath. He knew he should pull back. He knew he was playing with fire, and he wasn’t just going to get burned this time. He was going to be seared beyond recognition.

But he couldn’t let go.


Nodding, Percy forced his eyes back open.

“This is a terrible idea,” Wren said. “You know that, right? I’m…God, I’m having a total crisis of identity right now, and I still can’t promise you anything.”

“I haven’t asked you for a thing,” Percy reminded him.