Page 11 of London Fog

Everything in Percy’s head came to a screeching halt when Wren called him gorgeous. He wasn’t, and he knew it. He was fair-looking. He didn’t have trouble getting dates, though he knew a lot of that was probably his money, but he wasn’t…beautiful. He wasn’t striking.

He was just average on a good day and plain on the rest of them.

“Can you not,” he said, his voice strained. He cleared his throat and met Wren’s gaze. “Can you not…lie either?”

Wren’s brow furrowed. “Lie about what?”

“That I’m—” He stopped and shrugged. “That I’m good-looking. I’m a sure thing. I mean, obviously, since I’m laid out here underneath you and desperate for you to touch me. So…you don’t need to lie. I don’t need flattery. I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”

Wren’s frown deepened for a second, and then his brows flew up. “Absolutely the fuck not.”

Percy pulled back. “What?”

Sitting up a bit, Wren pinned Percy down by one shoulder, and his other hand grabbed him by the chin. “I don’t know if it was just your ex who fed you that bullshit or if it was more than one person, but whoever convinced you that you’re not gut-wrenchingly, infuriatingly good-looking needs to have their teeth knocked in.”

Percy winced. “Honestly, I don’t need?—”

“I’m not all about looks,” Wren said. “But do you think I’d chase down the person who made a goddamn spectacle at my workplace and insulted both me and my friends if I hadn’t wanted to climb him like a damn tree the second I laid eyes on him?”

“Well,” Percy said, then licked his lips.

Wren’s mouth softened into a smile. “Do you?”

“How should I know? Maybe you have shit taste.” He panicked after those words slipped off his tongue, but Wren just threw his head back and laughed before surging forward and kissing him again.

Percy lost himself in the rhythm of it for so long he’d almost forgotten what his problem was.

“I don’t have shit taste. But even if I did, what does it matter? You’re gorgeous to me, and I’d like to make sure you’re very, very aware of that,” Wren murmured. He pulled back, and the look in his eyes was so honest Percy didn’t know what to do with himself.

He was profoundly grateful in that moment they couldn’t have this for more than one night because Wren was dangerous. He was terrifying. If Percy stayed any longer than was necessary, he’d fall head over heels, and he would be helpless to stop it.

“Do you believe me?” Wren pressed in the silence.

Percy had no choice. “I believe you.”

“Good. Then let me get on with sucking your dick.”

“Oh. Fuck.”

It was a whirlwind after that, and Percy nearly lost time as he and Wren stripped down until they were both naked. Wren was lithe and lovely, covered in tattoos along his arms and one massive crow from his hip all the way up his ribs.

Percy found himself wanting to lean over him and trace those markings with his tongue. He wanted to put his teeth to them and see if Wren made noises as desperate as Percy was feeling right then.

Instead, he let Wren boss him onto his back, and then the man produced two condoms from the pocket of his work trousers.

“These don’t have lube. I learned my lesson after a couple of my hookups ended up being allergic,” Wren explained.

Percy tried to ignore the hot feeling of jealousy in his chest since it had no right to be there. “I’m not allergic, but I don’t have anything that’ll help.”

“Right,” Wren said. “I can’t fuck your ass, but I can still blow you.”

Percy tried to speak, but all that came out was a strangled, desperate noise that made Wren smile wider. He put one of the condom wrappers between his teeth as he slid lower, and his warm hands pushed at Percy’s legs until they were spread wide.

Percy’s cock throbbed, leaking at the tip, and when he tried to reach for it, Wren grabbed his wrist and pinned it to the bed.

‘No,’ he signed. ‘No. Understand?’

Percy swallowed heavily, nodded almost frantically as he shifted back and forth, desperate for some sort of friction. Wren seemed bound and determined to take his time though, and Percy curled his fingers into the sheets as he watched Wren slowly tear the edge off the wrapper. He looked at it, his expression curious, and before Percy could start begging him to do something—anything—Wren put the condom between his lips, grabbed Percy’s dick by the base, and fit his mouth over the tip.