Page 31 of Winds of Danger

The employee behind the desk went back to what she’d been doing before Mia had arrived, so the outcome of that call was still up in the air. Was Grant here and going to come out? Or had he said no, and Mia was simply going to be ignored until she figured it out and left the premises?

By the time Grant stepped into her line of sight, she was a mess. Her heart was racing, and she was almost shaking like a chihuahua. Somehow, she’d managed to twist her purse strap into a knot despite her palms being slick with sweat.

“Mia, are you okay?”

No, I’m not. I’m chock full of anxiety.

She realized that Grant thought she was here because she needed help or that something was wrong.

“I’m fine,” she assured him. “Everything is fine. I…I just wanted to talk to you. Do you have a minute?”

Questioning each and every decision in her life that had led her here, she waited for his reply. Grant was a kind and good person, of that she was certain. If he thought she was in need, there was no way he would turn her down.

“Of course, why don’t we step into my brother’s office for some privacy? How does that sound?”

“Will he be okay with that?”

“It’s fine. He’s needed in another part of the resort so it’s perfect timing.”

Standing on shaky legs, Mia nodded and followed Grant into a hallway near the elevators. There were several doors labeled “Staff Only”, and he pushed open one, stepping back so she could enter.

The office was well-appointed and comfortable, with a large oak desk on one side and a couch and chair on the other. The walls were lined with filled bookshelves and lots of photographs. Mia lingered in front of one where Grant was smiling with three other handsome men about his age in front of what looked like Buckingham Palace.

“That’s me and my brothers,” he said. “The one on my left is Ace. The other two on my right are Justin and Trey. We were on a family vacation touring Europe.”

“Who took the picture?”

“My mom. She said she wanted one of all of her boys.”

They didn’t look much like boys to Mia. These were grown men, but to a mother it was probably different.

“I’ll ask again,” Grant said. “Is everything okay, Mia? Did something happen?”

Yes, but not what you think. I’m just trying to move on with my life.

She’d rehearsed her little speech the entire drive here. How she’d never truly forgotten him. How she’d tried but he’d been persistently in her mind, making her wonder what might have happened if she’d met him at a different - and less dramatic - time in her life. How she’d wondered if maybe…they might have something between them.

How her heart still ached when she thought about him.

But every word of it had been flushed away, leaving her nervous and tongue-tied. He had to be thinking that she wasn’t all that bright because he was looking at her waiting for an answer, and she had yet to say a word.

“Nothing has happened,” she said, forcing her tongue and mouth to speak. “It’s…”

“Take your time,” Grant said. “I’m listening.”

His expression was neutral, not giving away anything about how he felt about her showing up here unexpectedly. If he was happy or upset, she wouldn’t know.

“I’ve been thinking a lot. About the storm…and about you.” Shit, she needed to gather her courage and woman up. “I’m so sorry, Grant. I should have contacted you. I should have let you know I was safe. You were nothing but helpful and kind to me. I regret not reaching out to you.”

His features softened and there was a hint of a smile.

“As I said, I’m sorry, too. You were going through a terrible time, and I shouldn’t have made it to be about me. That was wrong. I’m just happy that you’re safe. That you have a new life. That’s what I wanted for you, Mia.”

“I do have a new life.” There was more that she wanted to say. Where were those words that she’d so painstakingly practiced? “I never forgot you. Never.”

“I never forgot you, either.”

Her fingers were all twisted up in her purse strap and tears burned her eyes. She needed to say it, or she’d regret it forever.