Page 57 of Winds of Danger

“If it’s a friend, you should go.”

Grant sighed, his fingers rubbing at his temples where a headache had begun to bloom.

“She’s also my ex…Ashley.”

“You should still go,” Mia said firmly. “She probably so scared and upset. I have an idea about how she feels. I don’t blame her for wanting you there.”

“I don’t want to upset you?—”

“I won’t be. Seriously, you should go.”

Mia linked her arm with his and began to guide him towards the door. He stopped and turned to look at her, his palms cupping her face. This woman was absolutely amazing.

“Did I mention today how much I love you? Because I do. Not every woman would be okay with this.”

“I feel very secure in your love,” Mia whispered, her eyes glistening with tears. He had a lump in his throat, too. “You make me feel like the only woman in the world. It’s hard to begrudge someone a few minutes or hours of your time when she’s in need.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you are the only woman in the world. You’re everything.”

They spoke softly so no one else would hear. This was for their ears alone.

“I’ll make it up to you later,” he promised. “Do you want me to take you back to my place or do you want to stay here? It’s up to you.”

“I’ll go to your house. Then you can come straight there when you’re done.”

Not that it was a long drive between homes. They all lived on the same large piece of property. But it would be more convenient as he wouldn’t feel the need to stay and visit with his family. He and Mia could simply curl up on his couch and enjoy their time together.

After he dropped Mia at his house, Grant headed directly to Tremont Road. It wasn’t far and only took a few minutes. When he arrived, he could see Ashley standing next to her sedan and his deputy Scott, as well, the blue lights still flashing on top of his SUV.

Grant parked his vehicle behind Scott’s, clipping his badge to his belt before exiting the car.

“Scott, have you taken Ms. Danvers’ statement?”

Scott turned his gaze onto Grant, his eyes round and his expression scared, but he’d kept his body angled so that Ashley couldn’t see. Whatever had been going on before he’d arrived must have been something else. Scott wasn’t one to get off-kilter that often.

“That’s what I’m currently doing, Grant.”

Currently? It shouldn’t take all that long to take a statement.

Ashley’s face was tearstained and red, her arms crossed over her torso and her stance defensive. Reading the body language, Grant was quite glad that he’d decided to come here. It was clear that the two people weren’t fond of one another.

He needed to deescalate this situation immediately, smooth it over somehow.

“Ashley, let me speak with Scott for a moment, and then you can tell me what happened, okay?”

He kept his voice even and soft, hoping to keep her calm. She’d been through something terrifying, and he didn’t want to cause her any further emotional turmoil.

Ashley nodded, sniffling into a tissue, a few more tears sliding down her cheeks.

“I’ll wait here. Please hurry.”

He and Scott stepped away far enough that Ashley couldn’t hear them if they didn’t speak loudly.

“Can you quickly fill me in? What happened today?”

Scott rolled his eyes and groaned softly.

“I can’t get a coherent story out of her. First, she said that some maniac followed her from the downtown area, but then she said that he came out of nowhere a few miles back. She said she didn’t recognize him, but he had wild curly hair and a goatee. He was following her closely, honking his horn, and then he would speed up until he was right beside her before backing off again. Eventually, he flipped her off and then jerked his wheel to the right sending her car off of the road.”