Page 84 of Secrets and Sin

Lucy wasn’t one to kiss and tell, sharing her innermost secrets even with someone she was close to like Jane. She didn’t really have to as her friend was eerily perceptive and an avid people watcher. But this was different…in a way that Lucy didn’t know how to explain. She was happy, incredibly so, and she kind of wanted to shout it from the rooftops.

I’m in love with Zack Winslow and he loves me, too.

“It is getting serious,” she replied. “He says he’s going to stay here and give our relationship a chance.”

“For good?”

“For now,” Lucy amended. “That’s good enough for me. We’re going to try, and that makes me happy. Eventually, he may want to do something that’s outside of this town, and we’ll work it out then. He’s not planning to go back to New York City anytime soon.”

“That’s awesome,” Jane cheered, her smile wide and genuine. “I mean, good for you. I wouldn’t want that. I’m happy on my own. Been there, done that. And I didn’t get a t-shirt when I divorced.”

“Not every man is bad.”

“Says the woman that just found the last good one,” Jane laughed. “I know you’re right, but the energy that it takes to find a decent guy is too much for me right now. I’m exhausted at the end of every day. The care and feeding of the male animal isn’t a top priority. I’d rather get a puppy.”

“That’s some unconditional love right there. I don’t blame you.”

They were busy as the day went on, customers in and out of the store, and they didn’t have much time to talk until the usual mid-afternoon lull. Jane had gone to Tate’s to grab them some lunch to go, and they both sat in the backroom to quickly eat their meal while one of the part-timers, Tara, watched the register.

Lucy was almost done gulping down her chef salad when Tara joined them, holding out a white envelope.

“I forgot to give you this yesterday.”

“What is it?” Lucy asked, accepting the envelope. It had Zack’s name on it. “Who is it from?”

“I dunno,” Tara said. “Some guy dropped it here early yesterday morning. He said to give it to you or Zack Winslow. I shoved it in the drawer behind the register and forgot about it until today. I’m sorry about that.”

The envelope was sealed, and Lucy wasn’t going to open something that wasn’t addressed to her, but her fingers ran over it, feeling something bumpy that she couldn’t identify.

“Did he say anything else?”

“No, he was in a hurry. He practically tossed it at me and ran out. I am sorry about forgetting.”

“It’s fine,” Lucy assured Tara. “I’ll make sure Zack gets this. Thank you.”

Tara went back to the main room, leaving Lucy holding the envelope.

“Are you going to open it?”

“It’s not addressed to me,” Lucy reminded Jane. “It’s for Zack.”

“You can call him,” Jane suggested. “He might tell you to go ahead and open it.”

“I should be hearing from Zack anytime now. I don’t want to bug him if he’s meeting with Lloyd or one of his friends from high school.”

“Are you saying you’re not the least bit curious about what is inside? Because I would be.”

Lucy placed the envelope on the table between them.

“Of course, I’m curious but not enough to rip it open. It’s probably nothing anyway. Probably just a letter. Or something.”

“Something?” Jane echoed. “Something besides a letter?”

“I felt something,” Lucy admitted. “It feels like there’s something solid in there.”

Frowning, Jane also ran her fingertips over the envelope, also finding the bumpy item.

“There is something there, but I can’t tell exactly what it is.”