Page 58 of Secrets and Sin

“They both disappeared,” Zack finally replied with a shake of his head. “Okay, they could be linked. Is that better?”

“There is always a possibility,” Finn said. “But there’s no connection between your mother and Sarah.”

Zack took a shuddering breath, rubbing at a temple that surely had a headache blooming there.

“There is now. My father.”

Joel Winslow, family patriarch.

All roads seemed to lead in one direction.

* * *

Zack had to tell Piper, assuming she didn’t already know. He was in older brother mode at this moment, wanting to protect his younger siblings from the shock. Not that Piper would be all that surprised, to be honest. She didn’t have a high opinion of their father and hadn’t for the last decade or more. If anything, this was only going to confirm her worst suspicions.

Lucy had offered to accompany him, but he’d thanked her and said that this was something that he needed to do on his own. He’d stop at her house later, and they’d have a glass of wine. In the meantime, he had business to handle.

It was only seconds after he knocked on her door that it flew open. Piper waved him in without saying a word, but one look at her expression told him that she’d already heard the news. He was surprised to see Sam sitting on her couch drinking a beer.

“I guess you came here to break the news to us. We already know,” Sam said. “But grab a beer from the fridge and join us. There’s soda and juice, too. Piper has some baked goods on the counter if you’re hungry.”

Beer and sugar didn’t sound like an appetizing combination. While a good stiff drink might be just the thing right now, he didn’t want to drink and drive. He’d stick to soda or water. He found a can of ginger ale in the refrigerator, popping it open as he sat down in a chair across from his brother and sister.

“How did you hear?” he finally asked when settled.

“Cooper came by,” Piper said. “And Tate went to Sam’s office. They didn’t want us to hear it from anyone else.”

“Frankie knows?”

“She does, and she says she doesn’t want to talk about it. She wants space,” Sam replied. “We’re going to give it to her. We can check on her tomorrow.”

“It’s sweet that you came here to tell us in person,” Piper said, biting into what looked like a fudge brownie. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“It was more than just about Sarah being our half-sister. I was at the sheriff’s station and talked to Finn. I also ran into Tracy Daniels, Sarah’s mother. Let’s just say that she was not happy to see me. She told me that she doesn’t have anything to apologize for.”

“What did you say to that?” Sam asked with a chuckle.

“I told her that I wasn’t asking for one. I’m sure she had her reasons for whatever she did, and frankly, I don’t want to hear about them. That’s too much information as far as I’m concerned.”

“Can you imagine being attracted that way to our dad?” Piper queried, shuddering a bit and grimacing. “I mean…just ick. Ick.”

“Dad was handsome back then,” Sam observed. “I could see it. He was rich and good-looking—”

“And an asshole,” Piper broke in. “Let’s not forget that part.”

“Maybe Tracy didn’t care,” Sam shrugged. “Not everyone chooses a partner based on personality.”

“That may be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” Piper declared. “This is why I’m not married.”

Sam laughed and took another drink of his beer.

“Our parents are the reason that none of us are married. Although I give Cooper credit that he at least tried it.”

“I never even met her,” Piper said. “Did you?”

“I did,” Zack replied. “They both came to New York City to visit years ago. They stayed a couple of days, and we went out to dinner one night. But it was only that one time. They seemed happy.”

“And then they weren’t,” Sam said. “Story of every relationship I’ve seen or been a part of. Nothing is forever. You just enjoy it while you can.”