Page 35 of Secrets and Sin

Zack had made a mental note, however, to talk to Sam. It was easy to see that his youngest brother wasn’t buying whatever bullshit their dad was selling these days. Working with their father on a regular basis would have driven a saint to the bottle, and Sam was no saint. He wanted to make sure his brother was okay. If he wanted out of the family business - if he was looking to make a change - Zack had the connections in the financial industry to help him out.

Assuming that I don’t need that help for myself.

“I think I’m going to pass,” Zack replied. “I get maudlin when I drink whiskey.”

“I’ve got gin, too,” Tate laughed. “Hell, I’ll make you a pina colada if you want.”

“I definitely don’t want that. Seriously, go ahead. I’ll catch up with you guys tomorrow. Why don’t we do lunch? My treat.”

“If my big brother is paying, it’s a yes,” Sam grinned. “How about the pizza place on Third?”

“Twelve sharp,” Zack said. “I’ll be there.”


They’d somehow become separated after the cake-cutting, and he wanted to offer her a ride home. She wasn’t in the main hall, so he walked out into the hallway where he found her chatting with her parents.

Stuart and Gail Gilbert were certainly giving him the once-over as he approached. Lucy might be over thirty, but parents will always be parents. They were wondering what he was up to, especially Gail. From the speculative expression on her face, she wanted to ask him about a million questions, but only pressed her lips together when Lucy gave her a warning look.

“Zack, do you remember my parents, Stuart and Gail Gilbert?”

“I do. It’s nice to see you again, Mr and Mrs Gilbert. Did you enjoy the reception?”

“We did,” Stuart said. “Very lovely. Kim has excellent taste in music and flowers.”

“She does,” Zack agreed. “I’m sure she worked hard to put it together.”

“It was all so lovely,” Gail said. “And that moment for your mother had tears in everyone’s eyes.”

“Mom,” Lucy said sharply. “I don’t think we should talk about that.”

“It’s fine,” Zack cut in swiftly.

He didn’t want to be the cause of an argument between mother and daughter.

Stuart cleared his throat and pulled his car keys from his pocket.

“We should probably get on the road. At my age, I don’t stay up much past ten.”

Was Lucy riding with her parents? That hadn’t occurred to him until now, but it made sense.

“Actually…” Lucy began, her gaze on Zack.

“We should be going, Gail,” Stuart said. “Lucy, give us a call tomorrow if you have time.”

Gail apparently didn’t want to go. She started to protest but Stuart had his wife by the elbow and was leading her out of the hallway, leaving Lucy and Zack behind.

“I hope you walked over here to offer me a ride home,” Lucy said when her parents had exited the building. “Because otherwise I’m going to have to walk. My mom and dad gave me a ride so that we both didn’t have to park.”

Parking on campus was a pain in the ever-loving ass.

“I did,” he confirmed. “I have to say that your mother didn’t look too thrilled to leave you alone with me. Does she think I’m a serial killer?”

“No, she just wanted to hang around and listen in to our conversation. She’s nosy and proud of it.”

“Everyone needs a hobby.”

“I wish hers was knitting. Seriously, you’re going to give me a ride home? My feet are killing me in these high heels. Tonight I remembered why I rarely wear them.”