Page 25 of Secrets and Sin

“You’re known for being patient.”

Zack wasn’t kidding either. Frankie had won several Grand Slam titles by not only being an incredibly talented tennis player, but also being patient. One sportswriter had dubbed her the “human backboard” because she’d get to balls that no one else could. She’d hang in a point, knocking back the ball over and over again until her opponent would get antsy, try something risky to finish it off, and end up losing the point. She’d pissed off more than one opponent that way.

About three months ago Frankie had injured her knee, so she was on the sidelines for this year’s Wimbledon, and possibly the US Open, too.

“Let’s just say that Dad could try the patience of a saint. And I’m not a saint.”

“Kim’s not so bad.”

“She makes me crazy,” Frankie groaned. “All she cares about is her hair, her nails, her clothes, her shoes, and let’s not forget her handbags. I’ve been to a formal ball and met royalty, and I didn’t take as much time getting ready as she does every single day of her life. She’s exhausting. She mentioned to me a few days ago that she had to be up at five this morning to get ready for the ceremony. Which is at five o’clock in the afternoon. Not to mention that this is her third marriage, and she’s marrying her brother-in-law. Maybe they should have gone a bit more low-key.”

“I must admit that this wedding is high on the ick scale, but you know how Dad is. He’d just say that we’re Winslows and it’s expected that we go all out for a wedding.”

“I’m sick and tired of giving our father a pass because that’s just how he is. Well, this is just how I am. If he doesn’t have to change, why do I?”

Jack finished off his donut and reached for a second. He probably should have gone running with Cooper this morning.

“Is anyone asking you to change? I’m not.”

“There have been not so subtle hints.”

“Screw ‘em. You’re an adult. You can do what you want.” He stood to refill his cup. “Do you want a warmup?”

“Hell, yes. A splash of whiskey would be welcome as well.”

Frankie held out her almost empty mug so he could refill it.

“You said you were staying with Piper. Where is she?”

“Home still asleep. She was up late last night meditating to calm her mind.”

Zack had never meditated in his entire life, but perhaps he should try it sometime.

“And don’t tell her that I stopped off at the grocery store bakery,” Frankie said, shaking a piece of donut at him. “She’ll freak out. She says that these baked goods might have additives or chemicals or something like that.”

“My lips are sealed. Has she changed her mind about the wedding? Is she going today?”

“No, and I’m not either, so don’t bother asking me.”

“You can’t make me go alone,” Zack said. “I came home so we could all spend time together.”

“Then blow off the wedding and we’ll go do something fun. And you won’t be alone. Tate will be there, and Sam, too. Oh, and Lucy Gilbert. I saw the way you were looking at her. I think she likes you, too.”

“It’s not like that.”

The words came out automatically, but now that he’d said them, he wasn’t so sure they were true. He did like Lucy. It had been a long time since he’d been so attracted to a woman. It was just…his life was in chaos at the moment. It didn’t seem fair to pull someone into it when he didn’t know what he was going to do or where he was going to do it.

“Whatever. You know I don’t like to get involved with affairs of the heart. You do you.”

“Sometimes I think our parents’ crappy marriage was harder on you than anyone,” Zack observed. “It’s made you cynical at a young age.”

“They did have a crappy marriage, and it doesn’t make me want to settle down with a white picket fence and a couple of kids. I like being single. I think you like it, too.”

Six months ago Zack would have vehemently agreed. Now, he wasn’t as sure. Sharing his life with someone didn’t sound as awful as it once had.

“There were good times,” he replied. “They weren’t always unhappy. Hell, they had six kids, so they had to have gotten along every now and then.”

Frankie leaned forward, a smile playing on her lips.