Page 21 of Secrets and Sin

“I didn’t know that. That must have been difficult growing up.”

Lucy was an only child to two laidback parents who had never pushed her or tried to run her life. They were simply happy when she was happy. But it had to be hard to be the firstborn son of Joel Winslow with all the baggage that came with it. Being a Winslow had many privileges, but there was often a catch to being born into money and power.

“I’m his favorite. Can you believe that? I don’t want to be.”

“Does he actually say that?”

That would be a horrible thing to do to his kids.

“He doesn’t have to say it. His actions are loud and clear. I keep telling my brother Sam that I don’t want to run the family business, that it’s his. But I’m not sure he believes me. I think he’s waiting for my dad to rip it out from under him, which he would do without a second thought. Just today he offered the firm to me, not caring about his other son. I told him that I couldn’t be part of him stabbing Sam in the back. Christ, Joel Winslow is a terrible parent. He at least kind of pretended to try when Mom was here—”

Zack broke off, shaking his head.

“Sorry, this has been an emotional day. I thought that maybe they’d found her. Finally.”

“You never got any answers,” Lucy said softly.

“No answers,” he echoed. “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I just know that she wouldn’t walk away from her family willingly. And yes, the wedding goes on tomorrow. They’re not going to postpone it.”

“Are you worried about what people will think?”

“No, I’m worried about what I’m thinking which is nothing good about my dad and aunt. Despite what you may think, I don’t want to actively hate my father. It’s just every now and then I hope that he’ll act like a human being, and then he does crap like this. It’s a gut punch every time. And he doesn’t see why we’re upset with him.”

“I’ve been around people like your dad. They know. They know good and well what they’re doing. They just don’t care.”

“You’re probably right,” Zack sighed. “I’m a cynical asshole, but for some reason I keep hoping that Dad will change.”

“Of course, you do. He’s your dad. But…he’s probably not going to. Not at this point. What motivation does he have? It looks like it’s been working for him.”

“If he doesn’t care that his kids despise him, then nothing will make him change. Hell, despise is the wrong word. I don’t trust him, and I kind of feel sorry for him in a way. He could have real relationships with his kids, but he doesn’t try. The only things he cares about are money and power. That’s it. He’s always angry at Piper about something or other. You’d think she was streetwalker the way he acts. Who cares if she reads tarot cards? I don’t. Maybe I should have her do a reading for me. Maybe she can tell me what I’m supposed to do with the rest of my life.”

“Do you have to know right now? I’m not making a joke here. I’m seriously curious. Would it be so terrible to take your time and figure it out?”

“That’s what I keep telling myself. Take it slow. Don’t rush. Enjoy the time off and relaxation.”

“And then what happens?”

“Then there’s a little voice that says that I’m lazy and that I need to get back to the grind.”

“That little voice sounds like a pain in the ass.”

Laughing, he nodded in agreement.

“He does, but he’s a persistent jerk.”

“Then tell him to shut up. Let me ask you a few questions. Do you want to go back to this so-called grind? Do you need the money? Are you going to be homeless if you don’t go back to work right away? What terrible, awful thing will happen if you don’t take a job in the next five minutes?”

“Nothing,” he confessed. “I made a lot of money on Wall Street. As long as I don’t blow it on a yacht or a castle, I’ll be fine living off my investments. But…”

“But?” she prompted. “Go on.”

“If I don’t take a job offer soon, they’ll probably stop calling me and offering me a job. Eventually, I mean. They’ll forget about me.”

“And eventually you might want to go back?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know what I want to do. There was a time that I liked my job, but it seems so long ago. It might be different at a different company with a different boss.”

“It might. I don’t know anything about Wall Street. I’m on Main Street.”