I stare him down. Nothing is stopping me from crawling through the window and sleeping in my own bed.

“Don't worry, Kitten. I got all the essentials out of your room.” He wiggles his brows.

“We threw the rest out,” Jericho says with arrogance. “Everything inside is gone. Your mom is gone. You have no home. No possessions. Well, with us you do.”

“You can't just… just take my home from me!” I suck in a breath, bringing my hand over my heart. Panic roars inside me at the loss of control. Why do the men in my life think they can just take things from me? Or take people from me and hold them over my head?

“You signed your life to us.” Jericho grins. “You're ours now.”

Shepp nods from the top step of the porch, reiterating their thoughts. A grim expression crosses his features when he looks at me, staring deep into my soul. Panic must consume my expression when I stare at them with my mouth agape. Shepp huffs, signing something to Arrow, who rolls his eyes. Licking his lips, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out several pieces of paper. They wave around in the slight breeze, but he keeps them in his grasp before putting them away.

“Why do you have those?” I rasp, willing the heat behind my eyes to go away. I can’t cry in front of these three. Then, they’ll see what’s hidden beneath the mask I wear. They can’t ever know about my sister or the letters she’s written to me. Then, they’ll know about the monster lurking in the background. Sunny has to be my secret, my monster said so.

“Your sister’s existence has been wiped from every database,” my monster says, pacing in front of my cage with a slight smirk.

“No,” I rasp, flinching when he whacks the bars, rocking my cage.

“Yes,” he sneers back.

It’s the first time he’s come back after shutting the lights off and leaving me here to rot. I thought for sure I was going to die of starvation and dehydration before he strolled back through the doors, claiming he had a job for me.

“B-but is she o-kay?” I stutter, praying she’s safe wherever she is.

“As safe as she can be.”

Shepp signs something, but I don’t know what he said. I look to Jericho and Arrow who stare at Shepp’s words, but they don’t utter a sound.

“Why?” I shout, attempting to lunge forward and yank them from his coat.

He steps back, giving me a sympathetic look before heading down the few steps and toward the SUV, where he climbs into the driver’s seat.

I heave a breath.

“I take it those are important to you?” Jericho asks, eyeing Shepp as he rests in the vehicle.

I roll my lips together, refusing to give him more ammunition to fire with. Of course they’re important to me. They’re Sunny’s letters. The only piece of her I have left until I can get her back in my arms.

“No answer then. Hmm,” Jericho hums, tugging on the handcuffs. “Let’s go then.”

“I can pry the answer from you later, Kitten. With my tongue,” Arrow says with a grin, trailing behind us before we get into the backseat.

Jesus. How fucked was I? I mean, at least I wasn't in prison for all those made-up charges. But what the hell had I done by signing that contract?

Fucked myself. That's what.

My eyes slip to the handcuff right around my wrist and Jericho's. His words ring in my mind.

Don't underestimate me, Little Chaos.

Well, I could say the same to him. But I'm not one to lay my cards out on the table for all to see.

I'm sneakier than that. They can trap me in a contract all they want. One way or another, I'm breaking free. I have to. My sister's life depends on it.

“Welcome home,” Jericho snarks when the SUV stops beside a large mansion. “This is our palace. No one else is allowed here except the three of us and now you.” With indifference, he stares up at the mansion.

Welcome home? I think not. There’s no home about this place. No warm and fuzzy feeling taking me over. If anything, I want to run in the opposite direction. This home, as he calls it, is enormous. No, beyond enormous. It's a goddamn fortress spanning what feels like miles. I crane my neck, looking at the four stories lifting into the sky. Fuck me, they've taken me to an elaborate prison straight from the bowels of hell. This will make my escape a little more complicated later, but it's still happening. I'm running away from this place no matter what.

“So, no big, bad daddy living here?” I snark.