“If that’s how it’s going to be. If you’re going to continue helping those three Devils, then that’s on you. Why don’t you stand up and put your hands out in front of you.”

I do as he says, not uttering a word when he slaps handcuffs on me and walks me out of the room, down a long hall, and into another room fit with a table, a large mirror, and four uncomfortable chairs. So much for going to my new jail cell.

“Sit. More officers will be there to speak with you. They need a statement.” He secures my wrists to a metal piece at the side of the table. “Remember my name for when you want to divulge all the secrets about those three boys you’re protecting. Detective Alexander. You and I could work out a deal to take them down.”

I wrinkle my nose when his hot breath blows across the side of my neck. Once he steps back, he puts his hands back into his pockets and meanders out of the room without a care in the damn world.

Fuck him.

I’m not protecting anyone but myself. The Three Devils of Briar Cove will never see the inside of a prison because their organization owns everything in the town. Their vast fortune and rule reach every inch of this ivory city. The casinos? Theirs. The rich clubs and gambling institutions? Theirs. The plastic company, pharmacies, and everything in between are theirs.

No one could shake their foundations because their roots run deep into the ground.

The clock ticks by again, wasting my time. I’d rather be in a cell, on a bed, and attempting dreamland by now. It’s so early in the damn morning, my mind reels over my night. My breath stalls in my chest at the thought of laying my head on an unfamiliar pillow in a quiet room. My nightmares knock, begging for permission to take over. Which I won’t let happen.

I sigh when the door opens, revealing another suited cop, waltzing into the room with confidence.

“Miss West, we’d like to speak to you and go over the events of the night.” He doesn’t bother looking at me when he sits across from me and opens a folder, revealing photos of my crime.

Right there in vivid color, revealing the car bashing and the sizzling fire. With me at the center of it all. Where’s Arrow and his ax? Where are the other two watching with lust in their eyes?


He slides them over one by one. Emotions fade from my features. My darkness trickles in like a shadow darkening everything in its presence. I take a deep breath, centering myself as I stare at the pictures.

“Never show your emotions to the enemies, Little Snake. That’s your next lesson.” The memory of his grin sends shivers down my spine. Pure, unadulterated evil rests in his eyes when he twirls a large knife in his hand. “You’ll earn a scar for every emotion you display.”

My fingers rub against several scars on my fingers and forearm, anywhere I can touch with my cuffed hands.

“It appears, Miss West. That you had some fun tonight.” His finger pokes at the photo several times, emphasizing how fucked I truly am if this is the evidence they have.

I lean in, pretending to examine the photos again with a blank expression. At least I looked cute doing it. Bonus points for my ass not falling out of that dress. I raise my eyes to his and don’t utter a word. I taunt him with my indifference. Judging by the red creeping up his neck, it’s working.

Even though the last thing I want to do is fall asleep here without my comfort items, I’m ready to be left alone. I’ll force myself to stay awake until I can go home and curl up in my own bed with my pills and Whispered Words screaming in my ear.

“You—” the words die on the officer’s tongue when his gaze snaps to the door thundering open and slamming into the wall.

My heart beats double time against my ribs when he leisurely walks in with an over-confident smirk. Definitely not who I expected to see stalking through that door, but I’ll take it.

Jericho Viotto.

His aura exudes power, drawing every person’s eye in the building to him. Even Officer Fuckface cowers before the mafia prince towering above him with a menacing glare.

“Holloway.” Jericho nods at him, raising a brow when the good detective scowls.

“Mr. Viotto,” he growls through clenched teeth.

I blow out a breath, cooling myself off. They did this to me. He threw me to the wolves and watched with glee as they caged me. I want to rip their smug faces off with my bare hands. But I won’t. Swallowing down my anger, I permanently bury it, focusing on the tight attire hugging his body like a sexy second skin.

Jericho is a walking, talking sex god in his tightly fitted suit that clings to all the right places. And he knows it. Somewhere between the party and now, he’s changed into a fancier suit and shiner shoes. Show off. I may want to shove a rusty fork up his ass and watch him flail in my hatred, but I’m never too good to admit when someone is easy on the eyes. And that man is a delicious steak dinner with cake as a dessert.

Clearing his throat, Jericho drags my eyes back to his, giving me a knowing smile while fixing the cuffs of his sleeves. I lift my chin and settle my shoulders back.

“Wonderful,” Officer Ding-Dong says, glaring a hole into the side of Jericho’s head with a resigned sigh.

“Good evening, Officer. I believe you have something that belongs to me.” Those cold brown eyes sweep over my ragged appearance with interest and possession.

My fists clench at the sound of his possessive nature, hardening his face when he looks directly into my eyes without missing a beat. His? I belong to no one but myself.