Let Leighton reap the consequences of his fuck boy actions.

Looking up after losing myself for several seconds, my breath hitches at the beauty of Shepp standing just behind me on the ground. His light gray eyes sparkle in the moonlight, hinting at a bit of mischief and knowledge. With grace, he taps at the edge of the glass repeatedly, like he’s trying to prove a point. He huffs, turning to Jericho with his fingers moving a mile a minute.

“He wants you to tap the edge of the glass,” Jericho helpfully adds from my right, appearing out of nowhere. “Right here,” he murmurs, pointing to the same spot. "You can't hit the middle. It's made to take blunt force. But the edges? That's where it's at. Hit those, and Leighton’s windows won’t exist anymore.” Something sparkles in his gorgeous but deadly brown eyes, making my breath catch in my throat.

Danger—my mind screams. Run—another voice yelps with desperation. Yet, my feet root in the spot, and my body soaks up their warmth as they stand mere millimeters away on the ground, watching with admiration.

Shepp nods at Jericho’s statement without uttering a word, leaving his eyes glued to me. Nearly knocking the breath from my lungs. There’s something so beautiful yet devious lying in the depths of his pupils, sucking me into his presence.

Without wasting another second, I hit the edge of the windshield and whoop when it collapses into the car, breaking into several large pieces.

“That's my Kitten!” Arrow whoops in victory.

“Get down, Little Chaos. Before you hurt your damn feet,” Jericho growls, reaching out to grab me from the hood of the car. I screech when he pulls me into his tight grip and cradles me in his arms.

“Why'd you do that?” I hiss, hitting him with my free hand and wiggling out of his grip. Okay, I don't wiggle as much as he lets me go. With his strength, he gave up easily.

“Glass,” he grunts, gesturing to the pieces. “You don't have any fucking shoes on. You could hurt yourself!”

“I'm a big fucking girl!” I shout back, pushing his chest with my hand. “I’m a grown woman! You can’t dictate my goddamn life. No one can. Not anymore!” I shout into the void.

This time, he stumbles a step back, staring at me like I've lost my fucking mind. Maybe I have.

“Have at it,” he says with an indifferent expression, nodding toward the car. “Break his car to pieces. Get glass in your goddamn feet. But don’t come crying to me when the consequences of your actions come back to bite you in your sweet ass.”

My next step is breaking every single fucking piece of glass on the car. Windows, headlights, and back windshield. They don't stand a chance with me solely taking down his fucking piece of shit car.

“Yes, Kitten! Destroy it!” Arrow shouts with a grunt, shoving the head of his ax right through the metal of the hood.

I grin when he joins in, completely obliterating every inch of Leighton's car.

“Now, for the final touch,” Arrow says, handing me a can full of gasoline.

I blink several times. “You want me to light it on fire?”

And why did he have this on hand? I have so many questions, but I'm way too tired to do this shit. The only thing on my mind is the destruction I need to finish.

He shrugs. “Up to you, Kitten.”

My eyes pass over each of the Devils, watching me from the sidelines with tiny smirks and then to the house fifty yards behind us. The party rages on. No one seems to notice what's happening.

Where the fuck is Leighton?

“He did put his hands on you, Little Chaos. He did this to himself.” Jericho shrugs, pulling a lighter out of his pocket.

“Light that bitch up, Kitten!” Arrow howls again, stomping his feet.

“Did you beat his ass? Leave him unconscious?” Uneasiness fills me when I uncap the gas cap, letting the fumes rise into the air.

A grin splits Jericho's lips. “Black and blue until blood spilled. See?” He gestures toward his shoes, where shiny spots of dark red glisten under the moonlight.

I nibble my lip with uncertainty. Sure, I just committed a major fucking crime, but adding fuel to the damn fire? Literally. Why not? Revenge beckons me forward, eager to punish the boy—not a man—who dared to put his hands on me.

“Go big or go home, right?” I murmur to myself as I turn on my heel and march toward the car, soaking almost every inch of the inside with gasoline.

“Now, for the boom,” Arrow whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around my body. “Let's step back so the fumes don't get us.” He kisses my cheek, dragging me back between Jericho and Shepp. Thankfully, no one else has gathered around outside, giving us good distance from the wreckage.

“I'll do the honors,” Jericho says, flicking the flame to life and then throwing it straight into the car.