The dark cloud tarnishing my soul clouds my vision. The room disappears. He disappears. The feel of him vanishes into thin air.

“Get your hands the fuck off me,” I hiss, rearing back and throwing my fist into his face. The satisfying crunch of his nose fills my ears, and the darkness in me revels when he falls back with a loud shout. How I had the room to throw a punch, I’ll never know.

My chest heaves when I push my dress back down, covering myself from the carnage he had left behind. The bookcase digs into my back when I finally push myself off it and step up to Leighton, who lies on the ground. Where he fucking belongs for ever thinking he could put his hands on me.

He stares at me with wide eyes, holding his bloodied nose. “What the fuck, Journey?” he hisses, slurring his fucking words.

“What the fuck indeed.”

My head jerks up when Jericho stalks through the room with the other two on his tail. Fury twists his face, and his fists curl at his side.

I swallow hard at the broken door lying in pieces on the ground. How did I miss him tearing through the hardwood? How did I black out so much that I don’t understand how I got to this point?

The darkness, my mind screams. That’s what happens when it takes hold. It suffocates existence from my vision and merely takes over like another person is inside me clawing for dominance. It only happens in precarious situations when danger flashes before my eyes.

Like when Leighton had his hand inside my vagina, violating me. Something switched in my brain. But now, I’m back to me.

My jaw clenches when I stare at Leighton, pitifully groaning. “She punched me!” he whines, holding up his bloodied hand. “Bitch?—”

My eyes widen when Jericho smashes the heel of his foot into Leighton’s nose, flattening him again. Danger wafts off him like he’s two seconds away from tearing Leighton to pieces. Not that I’d mind. In fact, I’d love it. Get him, Jer man!

“Watch what you fucking call her,” he hisses, raising a brow when Leighton dutifully nods. “Now, fucking explain,” Jericho demands, narrowing his eyes at me.

Well, I narrow mine right back. How dare he speak to me like I’m a goddamn child. I huff, marching forward and standing right over Leighton as he remains on the floor. Honestly, I’m surprised he hasn’t pissed himself in Jericho’s presence.

“I was minding my own business. Wasn’t I, Leighton?” I spit his name when I lean down, taking in the utter fear in his glazed-over eyes. He’s more than just fucking drunk and stumbling around this party. He’s high as a kite, taking what he wants from girls. Well, it’s about time I take what I fucking want, too.

“You were begging for it,” he slurs, showing off his bloodied teeth. “Walking around here in your little dress and…” He grunts when I slam my fist into his mouth, turning his head to the side.

“Little Chaos,” Jericho tuts, taking my hand into his before I can shake away the pain. “Your thumb does not get tucked in. Leave it out to prevent breakage.”

I know that. But fuck. This asshole just tried to take what wasn’t offered freely.

Sparks fly up my damn arm when he strokes his thumb over the puffy skin forming on my fist. Now is not the time to get turned on. Especially with Leighton in the room, and after he violated me so crudely. But I can’t help it. Since Jericho kissed me on the dance floor and claimed me as his, I’ve been hopeless.

“Now, continue. You were minding your own business and apparently asking for it. What were you asking for?” he raises a brow when I remove my hand from his and shake off the desire running through my veins.

Leaning over Leighton, I inspect the bloodied mess they created on his face, and I grin. “Apparently, he thought his fingers should go in places they weren’t meant to be.”

Three growls erupt in the room.

“He fucking what, Kitten?” Arrow asks with a deadly tone, gliding forward with a darkness encompassing his eyes. A demon seems to take him over as he stands above Leighton with ill intent.

And I’m here for it.

“Don’t worry. He took something from me. So, I’ll take something from him.” Without further explanation, I dig through Leighton's pocket and pull out his keys.

“No!” Leighton squeals, reaching up for the keys in my hand, dangling just out of his reach.

“I think I’ll go for a joy ride,” I say with a shrug, desperately needing to get out of this room and away from him and them.

Their fury sits like a dangerous cloud seeping through the entire room. I need to break away from this entire night and not succumb to the darkness peeking through the edges of my eyes like a demon attempting to infiltrate my soul. I shake off the numbness in my fingers and toes. I shake off the evil residing inside me and push it to the back of my mind.

Because that’s what it is. My monster put evil inside me when he forced me to murder people until they spilled their guts. Literally. What happened in that basement changed the very DNA in my body.

Fuck Leighton. Fuck everything.

Now is the time to feel alive and grasp my freedom by the balls.